Chapter Seventy-Nine: Three Years Ago

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I vow to love my fellow man. To decline wealth and comfort until all men are free. For until men are in full power and reflecting the true image of the gods, I am not worthy of such privilege. Should I have food another man needs, it is his even if my stomach is empty. Should I have shoes for another man's feet, then they shall be his and if my feet are to bleed then they shall bleed. If a fellow man is in desperate need of my coat, it shall be his even if I must freeze. For I must do my duty and protect my fellow man. I shall show them kindness and save them so that one day they can rise to their true potential and aid in the saving of this world.

~Sons of the Pure Holy Text. The Priests Vow Part One.

Three Years Ago:

I laugh heavily as Fallon and Harlon wrestle. The two of them not seriously fighting as they try and pin each other down. It looks very silly as they cling onto each other and try and push the other to the ground. Both of them laughing as they start throwing soft punches and kicking out at each other. Eventually, they both fall and messily start grabbing at each other. Harlon lets out a little shout as Fallon bites his arm. Then, she has him pinned to the floor, panting heavily. She is the victor. Meaning I have lost the bet. Hardly a surprise.

"Shit!" I shout as Fox charges toward me. I stand up quickly, a squeal leaving my mouth as he tackles me and then throws me over his shoulder. I laugh so hard I struggle to breathe. Merissa is also shoving Karson away now. He doesn't put up much of a fight as he did lose. I try and wiggle out of Fox's arms.

"Nope!" he shouts and launches me off the bank into the pool. A scream leaves my mouth as I tumble into the water. Karson following a second after me. The other Lupine, now understanding the price of losing the bets all fight each other. I laugh as Kai launches one of his own soldiers into the pool next to me.

"I feel like that is something that we should have been told before we placed our bets," Set, one of the losing Lupine warriors says as he surfaces. I laugh and then let out a scream, diving out of the way as Fallon launches Harlon toward us. Just managing to move before he lands on top of me.

"You have failed me," I say to him as he surfaces again. He laughs.

"Sorry," he laughs and I splash him with water. Then, we are all swimming to the side and pulling ourselves back out. Dripping wet and slightly cold. Walking back up onto the bank with heavy clothes is not fun. We collapse onto the ground whilst the others all laugh.

"I fucking hate that game," Karson sighs. I laugh.

"We'll get them back," I say and slap his shoulder. Fallon lets out a satisfied shout as she lights the fire. Fox and Kovan have finished preparing the meat and now get it ready to hang over the flames. I stand slowly and sigh. Fallon grins at me. 

"You're a bitch," I say to her as I pull off my soaking top. Harlon goes about sticking thick branches into the ground by the fire for us to hang some of our clothes on to dry faster. Fallon blows me a kiss and I shake my head. My top sticks to my skin and I struggle. Harlon laughs and walks over to me, pulling the rest of it off me.

"Thank you," I say and hang it over one of the sticks. This leaves me in nothing but the thick black cloth that wraps around my chest, securing my breasts. Well, I keep my trousers on also. I do, however, remove my boots and put them near the flames. Now, in a circle around the fire, various clothes hang. From both the Lupine and us. Those who got wet now in various states of undress. Of course, with the removal of my top and my hair up, it does leave a lot of my back exposed. There is an awkward hush as everyone can see my damaged body. Most of my back is a nasty mix of shades. Varying between brown and green with the nasty, deep bruises. Surrounding the thick scabs or rough, deep red lines that make up the actual lash marks. I gulp, suddenly feeling exposed and uncomfortable. So, I sit down with my back facing away from everyone. My friends look at me with apologetic glances, their jaws clenched with anger. The Lupine all look shocked. Kai's eyes find mine, his gaze intense. Angry, even. I look away from them all and clear my throat awkwardly. Hinting to stop giving those looks and just get back to normal conversation. Fallon gets it and immediately starts asking the Lupine if they would run some training sessions for us at some point during their stay. Kai and Aaliyah start discussing it with her, both thinking it is a good idea. Fox comes over to me and sits down beside me. I look at his freckled face and smile softly. He doesn't say anything. Instead, he wraps his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his side. I let out a long sigh and lean my head against him. I can't help it as tears sting my eyes. My jaw quivers and I bring my hands up to my face to hide it. Fox moves so I can put my face against the side of his body. This is so stupid. I shouldn't be crying. Not in front of Kai and his top warriors. Now whilst I'm out here with my friends. But I just can't help it. God, what I would do just to have a normal life. To have a father who loved me like a normal father. Who didn't hurt me. A normal family. A family with no expiration date. Heck, I would like to just be able to go into the woods and not risk being assassinated.

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