Chapter Ninety-Five: The Castle

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My father meets Leander in the agreed-upon place. Leander's other friends wait with him.

"Wow," one says. "Little Matty come to play?" he chuckles. Leander laughs and pats his shoulder.

"Matty is not to be touched today," he orders. "He has been very helpful recently." They look disappointed before whispering in each other's ears as they snicker at my father. My father looks massively uncomfortable in the group. His hands have a slight shake to them as he clenches them in fists behind him.

"Come on, let's find Ivar. I need to have a word with him."

The group of boys knock on Ivar's door. He opens it groggily and Leander marches inside.

"What do you want?" Ivar asks. "It isn't training day today," he moans as he yawns. Leander signals for the group to surround him. They all look at him with frowns but follow him.

"What are you doing?" Ivar asks them.

"You thought I wouldn't find out about this, Ivar?" he asks. Ivar frowns and looks at the letter with his family seal on.

"What's that?" he asks, confused.

"Don't play dumb, it only pisses me off more," Leander snarls. "I thought we were friends, Ivar," he sighs. "I gave you everything you could want and this is how you betray me?" he asks.

"Leander, I don't know what you're talking about," he sighs, looking around the group of boys nervously. Leander clears his throat and holds up the letter.

"My dearest Yasmine," his says, his voice mocking. "I know I am meant to keep an open mind when it comes to the Queens Trial blah blah blah," he begins. "Ringing a bell?"

"I don't know what that is."

"This bit is particularly interesting," Leander laughs. "Together, we could rule side by side and do not worry about Leander. As soon as I am the King, I'll make sure he never steps foot in this court again..." He glares at Ivar who is shaking head.

"Someone is tricking you, Leander," he growls. "I never wrote that."

"It's your handwriting! It's your seal!" he shouts back.

"Handwriting can be forged, a seal stolen!" he replies as he begins to shake "But I promise, I didn't write it!"

"So someone walked right into your room and stole from you and then replaced it, without you noticing?" he snarls. Ivar shakes as he looks at his friend. My father is holding back a smile as the boy who bullied him so it tormented. "How about this for a paragraph, boys," Leander laughs. "I promise I will never let him hurt you or our children. Once I am done, the Drake name will be nothing but ash!" he throws the letter to the floor. "I think they get the picture." Ivar steps back with his shaking hands held up as Leander walks toward him slowly.

"I didn't write that, Leander!" he pleads.

"I gave you money. I gave you power. I made everyone fear you. This is how you repay me. By sending soppy love notes to the Princesses about how you're going to destroy me?" His fist collides with Ivar's face. Ivar lands on the ground with a heavy thud.

"It wasn't me!" he pleads.

"I MADE YOU!" Leander screams and stamps on the boys face. My father watches with wide, scared eyes as Leander continues to stamp and kick until Ivar is nothing but a bloody mess. Ivar turns his head to look at Matthias. For a second, Matthias drops his act, allowing Ivar to see his confident smile. Ivar's eyes widen as he tries to point at my father. Leander stamps on his chest before he can. There is a loud crunch and Ivar's body goes slack. Leander stands back, not even out of breath. He wipes his bloody boot on the rug before looking at the rest of his group. Their faces are pale and they shake like Matthias.

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