Chapter Eighteen

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Visara's power grew again after the death of her mother. Her loss awoke something in her. Something that had been hidden by all her mothers teaching on kindness, love and respect. Even though she was her mother's daughter, she was also the daughter of a god. The wrath of a God is fierce and dangerous. With her mother no longer alive to guide her, Visara was led by this anger and need for vengeance. She used her pain and anger to help people, however. She'd take her vengeance out on the soldiers that whipped centaur slaves. Tearing them to pieces with her bare hands and freeing the centaur young. For her half godly abilities made her strong and almost immortal. Blades couldn't penetrate her skin and poisons could not harm her from the inside. When she returned the centaur young to their herds, they gifted her with their allegiance. Swearing to her in the Blood Oath that they would be loyal and serve her. In return, she promised she would help them. That she would save as many centaur children as she could and free their woodland home from human and fae invaders. The centaurs were her first army.

~The History of the First War of Vivelle. Book One. Chapter One-hundred and Twelve, Verse seventeen.

I don't stop. I have no idea how far these plains go on for. The road we race down takes us in a straight line, passing hundreds of fields of food. I look back. We've come so far now, that I can't see the cliff or the castle. Though the mountains barely look bigger. Occasionally, we pass a few little huts. I guess this is where the farmers whose fields are all the way out here stay. Working during the week, tending and harvesting their fields before making the journey back.

I don't know how long we've run for. We left during the night and dawn has long past. I am grateful that Emlyn was able to get my warhorse. A regular horse would not have been able to make this journey at this speed. Trouble has strong, powerful muscles. Though, even now he begins to huff.

I spot another farming hut in the distance. A man works outside of it. I pull Trouble to a halt. He stares up at me with wide eyes. I tower above him, the size of Trouble's body casting him in a shadow.

"Princess?" he asks, shaking as he bows slowly.

"No need to bow," I smile. "Do you mind if my horse drinks from your trough?" I ask him. He nods his head quickly and I allow Trouble to gulp up the water that sits in the metal container. Judging by the fact he has two horses attached to a farming cart, I guess the water is for them.

Trouble slurps the water greedily.

"There will be people coming after me," I tell him. "I suggest you aren't here when they arrive," I warn. He nods his head quickly. "Thank you," I smile at him. He smiles back, bowing again.

"Best of luck, Princess. We will await your victorious return. Take some of my fruits. Perhaps they will help you during your journey," he says handing me a bag of his produce. "and some of my water. You'll need it in this heat. The woodlands are still two days ride away. The suns blaze will not ease," he warns. I really see him now. His skin is a mixture of glowing brown and pink. Some parts peeling. It is clear he spends all his time working in the sun on his farm. Like all the other thousands trying to make a decent living.

"Thank you," I say again. He smiles back and turns to load his cart. I smile and urge Trouble back into a run, continuing down the straight track. When I turn back, he's finished loading his cart and is pushing over his water trough before picking the now empty container up again. Without a water refreshment, their horses will start to struggle. Even if they are warhorses. Hopefully, the water on the soil road in will dry by the time they reach this area so they won't realise what he's done to try and slow them down.

I then watch as he gets into his cart and urges his horses on, heading back for the city. No doubt he will pass the people who are undoubtedly chasing me. Perhaps he'll tell them that he's been working in his fields all morning and hasn't seen me. I hope they don't hurt him.

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