Chapter Eleven

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Today I visited my grandmother. Niklaus told me not to. They have never gotten on. Even with her age, she is still a force to be reckoned with. She is extremely intelligent and quick-witted. She also holds a huge amount of respect and influence. She was the queen before my father and me after all. She was one of the best rulers we have had in a while. Beloved by our people.

I never understand why my brother hated her so. Why he never wanted me to see her. I need her guidance, especially now.  The visions are getting unbearable.

She welcomed me warmly as I walked into her room. She smiled the way she always had when I entered. I couldn't help but laugh when she greeted me. Announcing me her favourite grandchild.

"Grandmother," I scalded with a chuckle. 

"Tea?" she asked before snapping her fingers at a server. He rushed out of the room. "Good, now we speak alone," she told me. I sighed, taking a seat at her little table.

"Grandmother," I began. "I needed to ask you questions about The Gift."

"Yes, I thought that might be why you were here," she told me with a frown on her face.

"My visions..." I began, then stopped unable to continue.

"My sister inherited the Fae magic," she began. "Much like you have. Though unlike you, she could only see visions of the past. You hold great power being able to see all three. There isn't a single Fae who can even do that.  However, the Fae spend a great deal of time learning how to cope with their visions. Understanding how to navigate what they see and when. Something that you don't get taught. I would suggest inviting Fae tutors to the palace," she shrugged.

"Niklaus said it wouldn't be a good idea. He said that if the Fae knew that I was weak from the visions, they would take advantage. They would work their way into my mind and manipulate me," I told her. She scoffed.

"Your brother is a moron. You are the Queen of Vivelle. The Fae are your subjects and they will do as they are god damn told."

"It doesn't work like that anymore grandmother," I sighed. "I am not as strong as you."

"Nonsense. Once you have control over your gift, then you will be the most powerful queen to ever rule. You could understand the past and learn from it. None in the present will be able to lie to you and you'll see what your enemies are planning far in advance."

"But I can't control them!" I shouted. She sighed with a hint of annoyance.

"Because you are scared of them and unwilling to learn. You listen to your idiot brother and do what he wants instead of what's right for you." We stayed silent for a few seconds. Then she sighed again. "There is a book, in the Library that explains everything about the Visions of the Gift," she tells me. "Perhaps that will help."

"Thank you, Grandmother. I will look for it straight away," I told her. She nodded her head.

"Orianna, the gift affects everyone differently. As you know The Gift is a mixture of all sorts of magic from the creatures of Vivelle. A Dulavelle daughter will only inherit one or two at most of these powers. I inherited the power of the Sirens," she sighed and I could see the memories playing in her mind. "When I was young, my voice would enchant anyone who heard it. I could make anyone do my bidding and it was easy. All I had to do, was sing. I craved it. But I had to learn how not to act on those cravings. I could not rule by using my magic to make people do my bidding. They had to do it freely, of their own free will. If I took that freedom away then they would hate me. Of course, I had to show them what I could do occasionally, remind those at court especially, that I was their queen. If they disobeyed or betrayed me then they knew the fate that awaited them. That is what kept all races in line whilst I sat on the throne. You need to get a handle on this, Orianna. Imagine the fear of all the races if they knew you could see their every move. They would never step out of line again."

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