Hongjoong ✦ ÄŃTĪ

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Published: May 5, 2021
Rewritten: August 9, 2023

Word count: 934

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
This imagine contains dark themes and is not suitable for readers under the age of 14 or anyone who cannot handle scary things.

Written in 1st Person POV for storyline purposes

Written in 1st Person POV for storyline purposes

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I can see how stressed you are about finals. I can see it on your face. From the way your eyebrows furrow in frustration to the way you chew on your pencil, like the way a wolf gnaws it's own leg off. Oh how I wish I was that pencil. To be in between your perfect and supple lips would be absolutely heavenly.
Oh. I can't see you anymore, I guess you left the room. I hope you're not gone for too long. I miss seeing you.

Who is this? Why is he with you? How naive of you, letting a man into your room without knowing his true intentions. Don't you know how dangerous that is? They're all out for something. No man's intentions are ever pure. Haven't you see Dateline? There are dangerous people out there.
What? Why are you laughing at what he says? Why do you look so jubilant? That's quite offensive, my sweet, having such a good time with another man when you know I'm watching. Have you no manners?
This stranger's presence is peevish—it's pecking at my patience like a vulture on a carcass. I don't like it. Men are pigs, my dear, you can't trust them.

You're upset, I can tell. Is it that guy that was over a few days ago? Is that it? He put his filthy hands on you, didn't he? I saw it. You were displeased and he couldn't see it. He wouldn't listen. They never do. I told you men are pigs, did I not?
Don't you worry, dove, I'll take care of him.

I saw your face when you were watching the news. The look of horror when you saw that boy's face up on the screen. Why do you look so shocked? Why are you upset? I thought you'd be happy. He can't hurt you anymore. I took care of him for you... for me.

You can't find your favorite sweater today, you know, the gray one with a loose string on the sleeve because you're always pulling at it? I know you wear that when it's a good day. I'm sorry but you won't find it. Let me keep it with me, just for today. I'll make sure it's in a place where you can find it tomorrow. I promise.
By the way, I love the scent of your laundry detergent.

You got in a fight with your best friend today. She says I'm no good for you, that you should stop hanging out with me because I'm "weird." I don't understand, your face always lights up when you see me on campus. You're always so kindhearted. You told her that I'm a really sweet guy and she doesn't know what she's talking about. Oh, how that makes my heart soar. How kind of you to say such warm and gentle words about me. I knew you were on my side. You always have been.
Oh, and don't worry about that "friend" of yours, she won't get in our way anymore.

There it is. That same shocked expression. It's almost identical to the one on your face when you saw what happened to that boy who had his sinful hands on you. Why do you keep acting that way? I'm doing this so we can be together, don't you see?
Well, whatever, I'm sure you'll understand that eventually.

It's so cute when you brush your hair out of your face only for it to fall back down. It's a futile action, yet you keep repeating it. Most people don't notice minuscule things like that, but I do. I notice everything.

You wore the perfume I like so much today. I could smell it when I walked past you on campus. Did you do that just for me? Of course you did. That's so sweet. You know how much I love that scent. I hope you don't mind if I sample it.

You seemed a bit lethargic today. You were zoned out and seemed almost zombie-like. I know you're not getting enough sleep. It seems that something is keeping you up at night. You should take better care of yourself, sweetheart. Rest is an important part of staying healthy. I hate seeing you in such a disheveled state.

You know, when you greet me I can't help but feel like I'm flying. The way my name falls from your perfect lips is enough to make my brain fuzzy. I wish you would say my name more often. Repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Reciting it like a mantra until it's all I can hear.
Would you ever do that for me?

You were having a bad day today, so I offered you a hug. I could smell your shampoo. That grapefruit with a hint of pomegranate and dragonfruit undertones. You had burrowed your head into my shoulder, your head so close to mine. The scent was overwhelming, almost intoxicating. I could hardly think straight.
Even now, I can still smell it on me, the scents of variegated fruits just barely clinging to the fibers of my shirt. It's faint, but it's enough to make me crazy.

You know, Y/n, people are born to have a sense where they can tell when somebody is watching them, they know something isn't right, they can feel it. Like ghostly bugs crawling along their flesh, leaving goosebumps in their wake—they just know.
Well my little dove, it's been four months and it seems that you don't possess that sense.

This was my first time writing something dark like this. I wasn't sure if people would enjoy it but holy crap you guys went crazy over this whole series when it was first published! I was blown away by the feedback and I also learned that I'm actually pretty good at writing horror! :D

DO NOT steal, copy, repost, translate, or alter any of my imagines. I work very hard on these. If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

 If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

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