Hongjoong ✦ Rockstar

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Do not steal/repost my edits

Published: October 13, 2021
Rewritten: September 13, 2023

Word count: 1,454

I listened to ZITTI E BUONI by Måneskin while writing this one 🥴 I added it for you guys to listen to if you want.

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

Music blared through the large speakers in the venue

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Music blared through the large speakers in the venue. It was absolutely cramped, so cramped that you could practically feel the heat radiating off everyone's bodies as they jumped to the beat. The show hadn't even started yet, but everyone was already hyped up. Staff walked on and off the stage like worker ants, carrying equipment and setting everything up as the music played, getting everyone pumped for the performance soon to come while also keeping them entertained until setup was complete. Your eyes followed the staff members who placed a few props about the stage and checked the mics.
Minutes felt like hours until finally, the powerful beat of a drum could be heard, the sound thumping heavily in your chest with every hit. Strobe lights flashed and the crowd began to scream out of sheer excitement.
It was time for the show.

Out came the silvery-haired male everyone had been waiting for, his outfit consisting of leather and chains—lots and lots of chains. The crowd of people roared in response, girls squealing and screeching his name at the top of their lungs.

"Kim Hongjoong!"

He strode up to the mic with brazen confidence, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth, his brilliant white teeth glimmering under the bright stage lights. His eyes, painted with dark eyeliner and shadow, stared out into the mass of people as he relished in the love and adoration coming from the fans. Bringing a polished hand up to the microphone, he leaned forward slowly, in a taunting way, opening his mouth to say something only to close it and pull away, grinning proudly when the crowd cheered louder.
He thrived off this type of reaction.
The thumping of the drum was accompanied by the low sounds of a bass guitar as the intro to one of his songs started to play. In one swift and sudden movement, he snatched the mic from its stand and started singing.
His smooth and unique voice came through the speakers as everyone jumped up and down to the kick drum beats and heavy electric guitar and bass sounds. The instruments built up, his voice becoming rougher and more gravelly as he sang along, throwing his head back and tapping his foot to the thump of the drum beat.
He pranced around on stage with confidence, swinging his hips and sending cheeky winks to the crowd.

Once the first song finished, he returned to the mic stand, looking out into the sea of people.
"How'd you like that song?" He asked.
The crowd erupted in shouts and screams of approval. He grinned at the feedback.
"For those who don't know me, my name is Hongjoong, and tonight I'm here to play some music for you."
The audience roared in response.
His dark eyes roamed the large mass of adoring fans, his gaze eventually landing on you who stood amongst the giddy supporters crowded in the pit. A sultry smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, holding your gaze for a few drawn-out moments, a burst of butterflies erupted in your stomach in response. Hongjoong's confidence when on stage was more than enough to make you feel dizzy.
"This next song is for someone special in the audience tonight." He gave a quick wink in your direction. "Enjoy."

A new song began to play and Hongjoong started swaying his hips to the rhythm right away. He started singing, sauntering around on stage, keeping his eyes trained on you most of the time. You got chills every time your eyes met. Hongjoong's gaze is something you'll never get used to; it's sharp, powerful, and pierces right through you, sending shivers down your spine. It didn't help that he was dragging out his notes, making his voice sound airy at the end of each line, giving a sultry lilt to his singing.
The tips of his polished fingers traced up and down the microphone stand in a way that left you entranced, pulling all your attention to his ring-clad digits.
Throughout his set, he would send glances your way, often smirking while he did so, seeming to be aware of the effect it had on you. He also emptied quite a few water bottles, spraying the crowd with it. At one point he even spit water out into the large mass of fans—they loved that.

The concert came to an end and everyone was hurrying out of the venue, eager to go home for the night, you supposed. You, however, went in the complete opposite direction, heading backstage, flashing your VIP pass to one of the guards before proceeding down the hallway to the green room. You went to open the door, slowly pushing it open and peering into the space.
Hongjoong was facing the mirror above the vanity, his head down as he typed away on his phone, oblivious to what was happening around him.
You slipped into the small room, closing the door behind you. The click sound made Hongjoong lift his head, his gaze meeting yours in the mirror. His phone was quickly discarded as he turned around, striding towards you, a growing smirk on his face as he moved closer.

"Seeing you in the crowd tonight was quite the treat." He grinned.
"It was?" You inquired, quirking your brow.
"Mhm." He hummed, his hands planting themselves on your waist.
"I saw you trying to show off." You told him.
"Was I showing off?" He asked, teasingly, leaning in closer.
You hummed, nodding. "More than usual."
"I was only putting on my best performance for the VIP in the crowd." He whispered, his lips tracing over the shell of your ear.
"I'm a VIP?"
"Of course you are, darling." He hummed, placing a kiss underneath your ear.
Your hands made their way to Hongjoong's hair as his lips began meandering down your neck, leaving a trail of ticklish tingles in their wake.
"You looked really good on stage tonight."
"What did you like the most?"
You almost chuckled. Hongjoong loved praise and wanted to be told exactly what it was you liked so much about the show he put on.
"Everything. Especially your dancing."
You could feel Hongjoong smirk against your skin, bringing his face back up to yours.
"You liked that?"
"Mhm." You hummed.
"That was just for you." He murmured, running his thumb over your bottom lip slowly, in an almost taunting way. "Would you like an encore?"
"Yes, please."
The sentence had barely left your mouth and Hongjoong's lips were on yours, hot and heavy. One of his hands stayed firmly in place on your back while the other cupped the nape of your neck, tugging you closer. His head tilted to fit his mouth with yours.
Your heart raced excitedly as a warm feeling made its way up your neck and face.
Hongjoong hummed against your lips, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair, tugging every once in a while.
"Hongjoong." You sighed out.
He pressed another kiss to your lips.
"Have I ever told you how sexy you are?"
"All the time, love. But I don't mind hearing it again." He grinned cheekily, leaning forward to trap your lips between his again and take your breath away.

When he pulled back, you were left panting for air, your cheeks burning. Hongjoong's shoulders moved up and down with each heavy breath, a smirk tugging the corner of his mouth upwards; his dark eyes boring holes into yours.
"I missed you." He huffed out, his voice still somehow having a sultry tone to it despite him being out of breath.
"I missed you too. I was going to go to the show that was held near where you and I live, but I figured that would be too obvious. So, I chose to go to a completely different tour stop." You grinned.
"How sneaky of you."
You shrugged, smirking a bit.
"Did you drive here or are you staying in a hotel?" He asked.
"I drove here."
"Why don't you come back to my hotel and stay the night?"
"You mean it?"
"Of course. I'd hate for you to have driven all the way here to surprise me and us not spend a little extra time together."
"That's true. Plus, the hotel offer is tempting. I can't pass up an offer like that. Not to mention I missed you like crazy."
"So, what do you say?"
"I say yes."
"Perfect. Just give me a few minutes to get my things together." Hongjoong cupped your face, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Then I'll see if my manager is ready to go and we'll get the heck out of here."

DO NOT steal, copy, repost, translate, or alter any of my imagines. I work very hard on these. If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

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