Wooyoung ✦ Pretty Boy

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Published: March 15, 2020
Rewritten: February 8, 2023

Word count: 3,517

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

You walked up to your locker, a sleepy yawn escaping your lips

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You walked up to your locker, a sleepy yawn escaping your lips. It was way too early for all this. Your alarm didn't go off that morning so you had to rush to get ready and get to school on time, you didn't even get to eat breakfast. Heaving a sigh you put in your locker combination and pulled the door open, a small piece of paper fluttering to the tile floor.
At the sight of the note, a small, knowing smile made its way onto your face. Bending down, you retrieved the neatly folded note from the ground and opened it up.

I hope you have a good day today. I noticed sometimes you come into school and you don't seem so happy. I hope that whatever happens, you can brush it off and keep that beautiful smile on your face. You deserve to be happy every day.

- Your secret admirer ;)

A big grin overtook your features as you shook your head. Your secret admirer was so cheesy, but you always looked forward to his notes which you would find in your locker every day.
He was always saying the nicest things that made your heart soar. You've already tried to figure out who he is but you've never been able to come up with an answer. You had no idea who he was, especially since no guy had ever expressed any interest in you.

Tucking the note into the front pocket of your bag, you retrieved your books from your locker for the first class of the day and headed down the hall. Once in the classroom, you took a seat near the window like always and opened up your notebook, doodling inside on a blank page while you waited for the teacher to come in. All of a sudden, loud, obnoxious giggles were heard from the opposite side of the classroom distracting you from your half decent doodle. Glancing across the room you spotted the school's pretty boy, Wooyoung, surrounded by girls—as usual. They were all giggling noisily, some of them putting their hand on his shoulder in a not-so-casual manner. Wooyoung laughed along with them seeming to be enjoying their company. You let out a scoff in response to the scene. He was clearly aware of how popular he was and enjoyed every ounce of attention he received. You never really liked him because of that, cocky guys got on your nerves and you could never wrap your mind around how they were able to get so much attention.
Wooyoung wasn't even that cute.

He just so happened to look over at you, flashing you a wink accompanied by an obnoxiously arrogant grin. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to your paper, continuing to add onto your doodle. Wooyoung may have all those girls wrapped around his finger, but not you.

A few minutes later the teacher entered the room and started class, quickly putting an end to the endless giggling from the gaggle of girls surrounding Wooyoung as they silenced themselves down and returned to their desks.

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