Jongho ✦ Workout

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Published: April 3, 2020
Rewritten: February 8, 2023

Word count: 1,342

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

"Hello?" You called, your voice echoing off the walls of the KQ Entertainment building that seemed to be unoccupied at the moment

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"Hello?" You called, your voice echoing off the walls of the KQ Entertainment building that seemed to be unoccupied at the moment.
You went there to visit Jongho, but you couldn't seem to find him. You checked the lounge area, the studio, even the room they do livestreams in, but there was no sign of your boyfriend. You decided to check the practice room since it was the only other place you could think of. On your way there, you passed by the company's gym, stopping in your tracks when you spotted someone inside. Peering in the window, you saw it was Jongho.

He was sitting on a leg extension machine lifting his muscular lower limbs. You watched from outside in the hall, your eyes zeroed in on his powerfully-built legs, unable to look away as if in a trance. It was an uncommon occurrence for him to wear shorts so this was a rare sight to see them free from their usual fabric restraints.
He must have been near the end of his session because after a few moments he stood up visibly out of breath as he moved over to a bench where he picked up a dumbbell and began curling it.
Your jaw nearly fell to the floor as you watched his large arm muscles flex each time he lifted the weight. Jongho never wore sleeveless shirts, at the most he's had on t-shirts, so you've never really seen his arms before and now that you have, it's hard to look away. He was way more in-shape than you thought. You knew Jongho was strong and more than likely had large muscles, but you never imagined him to look like he did in that moment.

At some point, you caught yourself gawking, forcing yourself to stop before deciding to go ahead and enter the gym. As soon as the door opened, Jongho's head lifted.
"Knock, knock." You announced, stepping inside.
"Y/n!" He smiled cutely, showing off his adorable teeth.
"Did I catch you at a bad time?"
"Not at all. What brings you here?"
"I wanted to stop by and surprise you."
"Consider me surprised."
You approached him with open arms, pausing for a moment as you assessed his sweat level.
"Don't worry. I just started working out a few minutes ago so I'm not too sweaty."
With that information, you immediately wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tightly.
"What plans do you have today?" Jongho asked, softly rubbing the small of your back.
"Just to come and see you."
"Well since you're here do you want to work out with me?"
"I'd rather watch."
"Okay." He grinned. "Suit yourself."

You made yourself comfortable on an empty workout bench while Jongho returned to the one he was on previously, occupying it once more. He grabbed the weight he set down earlier, picking up where he left off in his routine.
You watched from your seat as he began to curl his arm, his biceps flexing with each rep, the sight making your stomach flip. Your eyes were zoned in on him, drifting up to look at his face every once in a while to see the way his eyebrows scrunched up as he lifted the weight.
If you were in a cartoon, you would have been drooling puddles.
It didn't take long for him to begin huffing as lifting the dumbbell became a bit more difficult the longer he did it. You swallowed hard, your face getting hot as you watched him with unblinking eyes. You had to stop yourself before your mind went any further.
He set the weight down and looked up at you, a small smirk playing at his plush, pink lips.
"I thought I felt you staring at me." He spoke.
"What? Staring?"
"Sorry, I mean gawking."
"N-no. I wasn't." You lied through your teeth, your nervous stuttering giving you away.
He stood up and started making his way towards you with a mischevious glint in his eye that you hadn't seen before. This caused you to abruptly stand up from your spot on the exercise bench, your cheeks becoming extremely warm all of a sudden.

"If you think I'm hot, just tell me." He took you by the waist, pulling you towards him.
Your entire face like it was on fire, Jongho had never acted like that before. You can't say you're opposed to this new side of him though. In fact, you like it a lot.
"Well? Do you think I'm hot?" He asked leaning in, his lips brushing against yours, the feeling making your brain fog instantly.
"I need an answer." He murmured.
"Yes." You whispered out.
"Yes what?"
"You're hot. So hot."
"That's what I wanted to hear."

Not a moment later he pressed his mouth roughly to your own, his lips dragging slowly against yours leaving you lightheaded. The slow and passionate pace of the kiss was absolutely dizzying. Things got heated very quickly as Jongho started kissing you feverishly, his arm wrapping tighter around your waist holding you flush against him. Your hands rested on his firm chest kissing him back desperately as he practically devoured you. He had never kissed you this way before. In fact, you didn't even know he was capable of kissing this way.

Your hands slid up his chest and around his neck allowing your bodies to be completely flush against one another, nothing holding you back. It was then that Jongho began walking forward, backing you up until you felt your heel hit something. You pulled away from the kiss to look behind you, noticing an exercise mat on the floor. Jongho started leaning you back carefully, easing you down onto the foam mat before hovering over you, his usual soft brown eyes clouded over with desire.
He brushed your hair away from your face and leaned in once again, kissing you roughly a few times stealing your breath in the process. As if that wasn't enough, he proceeded to move down to your neck, leaving soft kisses in his wake. One of your hands came up to rest on his head, running your fingers through his hair, which was slightly sweaty but you couldn't seem to care. Your breath came out in short huffs, your eyelids instinctively fluttering in response to Jongho's mouth planting hot kisses along your skin. He pulled away from you, leaving you very little time to gather yourself before he dove back in, latching his lips to yours and encasing your mouth wholly with his, nipping softly at your bottom lip.
Jongho had never kissed you like this before. His kisses were usually brief, loving, and passionate, but this was a new side of him that you hadn't seen and truthfully, he was the last person you thought would engage in such a steamy kiss.

Amidst your hot and heavy makeout session, the sound of the the workout room door opening reached your ears, grabbing your attention.
"Jongho we got—"
Both of you pulled away from each other immediately, glancing over to see who had entered the gym. Stood in the doorway was a wide-eyed Yunho and Wooyoung, both singers wearing similar expressions of shock. The latter slapped a hand over his mouth to hold back pitchy giggles.
"Are we interrupting something?" Wooyoung asked.
"N-No! I was doing push ups and fell." Jongho lied, mortified that his members caught him in such a position.
"Hm." The two hummed in unison, looking at him skeptically.
"We'll just leave." Yunho spoke up.
"You weren't doing push-ups." Wooyoung narrowed his eyes at the youngest member, seeing right through his lie.
"I said let's go." Yunho grabbed the back of Wooyoung's shirt and dragged him out of the room.
"Should we pick up where we left off?" Jongho asked once the two were out of sight, hoping their intrusion didn't ruin the moment too much
"Yes we should." You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him back down to your lips.

I spiced this one up a lot more compared to the original 🥴

DO NOT steal, copy, repost, translate, or alter any of my imagines. I work very hard on these. If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

 If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

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