Wooyoung ✦ Vampire

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Published: February 13, 2020Rewritten: December, 29, 2022

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Published: February 13, 2020
Rewritten: December, 29, 2022

Word count: 3,625

Your good friend Hongjoong had invited you to a big Halloween party at his house, one that he's been planning for months

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Your good friend Hongjoong had invited you to a big Halloween party at his house, one that he's been planning for months. He's invited all the friends he knows and claims it'll be the best Halloween party ever. He highly encouraged everyone to wear costumes, which you're all for. Honestly, you probably wouldn't have gone if you couldn't dress up. Halloween is one of your favorite holidays, so there's no way you'd pass up the opportunity to attend this party.

You checked your costume and makeup in the mirror once more, briefly examining your reflection before heading out. Your costume of choice was a vampire. Some might see it as cliche and overused, but you see it as a classic. You really can't go wrong with it. You've always had an interest in the undead supernatural beings, of course, you know they're just fictional, but you've always liked them.
After feeling satisfied with your appearance, you grabbed your things and headed out.

Upon your arrival to Hongjoong's place, you step out of your car, the music is so loud you can hear the bass booming even from outside his house. You approached the door, giving a couple rings of the doorbell doubtful that anyone will hear it. To your surprise, the door immediately swings open revealing Hongjoong dressed up as a zombie.
"Y/n, you made it. Come in, the party is going great." He greeted enthusiastically as he pulled you inside, maneuvering through the crowd of people. "You're here just in time. There's someone I want you to meet. He's one of my close friends, you'll love him."
He took you over to the corner of the living room where his two friends Yeosang and Jongho stood; however, there was a third guy that you didn't recognize. He had blonde hair that was styled in a swept back side part, showing off his striking features: round yet sultry eyes, a sharp nose, full, plush lips, and a jawline so sharp it almost hurt to look at it. You were so awestruck by his visuals you weren't sure if he was real or not.

"Wooyoung!" Hongjoong called, snapping you from your trance.
The really handsome mystery guy turned towards the both of you. You were quick to notice he was also dressed like a vampire sporting red contacts and a pair of false fangs.
Wow. He's gorgeous. You thought to yourself.
"This is my friend, Y/n." Hongjoong grinned gesturing to you.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Wooyoung." The man smiled, extending his hand.
Your heart leapt nervously in your chest as you reached out to briefly shake his hand.
"Nice costume." He smirked.
"Thanks." You chuckled shyly. "You too."
"I'm gonna leave you guys to it and let you get to know each other." Hongjoong cut in.
"Wait. Where are you going?" You asked as your heart began racing.
Please don't leave me alone with this handsome man. You begged internally.
You weren't sure you couldn't handle it.
"I'm the host of this party. I have hosting to do." He answered simply.
"No wait."
"Have fun." He waved, a devilish grin on his face.

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