🤕Chapter 22: Pain Of Starting🤕

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"You could find me in the space between, where the Worlds meet."



P'boy!" Gun called out for the elder as he entered the room.

"N'Gun" he replied as he placed down his notebook. He looked behind Gun and then scanned the room hoping to find someone, but was bought back with a frown when he couldn't find who he was looking for.

"Where is Off?"

"Um... he's probably still in the meeting room... but he'll come back later. Can I see the designs for the outfits?" He quickly asked as he didn't want to be near Off right now.

"Sure you can, but I thought it would be a better idea if the both of you could see it together."

"I'm kind of in a rush." He lied.

"I see. alright, come here" he motioned Gun to come near him as he opened his red and pink sketchbook, showing Gun some designs of outfits he created over the past few days.

"Wow P'Boy! These are amazing! Am I really going to be wearing these?!"

"Yes. Do you like it?"

"Is that even a question? I love it!" he smiled so big for the first time today.

P'boy wanted to pinch Gun's cheeks for looking so cute right now.
"I knew you would like it. Now  choose 3 outfits from here that you want so I could get it for you."

"Only three? can't I have them all?!"

"Hahah, I wish."

Gun took a seat next to P'Boy and started looking though all those designs. It was really his type. P'Boy has been working with Gun since Gun joined the company and he knew what type of clothes Gun liked.


"-and that's why I think I'm better than anyo-"

"Hey Gun!" New cut Tay off as he saw Gun walking down the hallway. He quickly jogged over to the smaller figure.

"I still haven't finished talking!" Tay commented before following New and jogging over to Gun.

New gave Gun a quick hug, which caused Gun to giggle. "Where were you this morning? You got us worried sick!"

"Sorry P', I got out of my house a little late this morning." Gun replied as he gave Tay a quick hug as well, otherwise the older was going to just  stand there, pouting. And it was not a good sight.

"Where are you going now? And where is Off?" Tay questioned.

"I went to P'Boy's room and looked at the designs, and now I'm going to get my schedule for next week... And for P'Off... I'm not sure." Gun replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the word "P'Off" himself.

It seems that Gun wasn't the only one who was feeling uncomfortable with that word. Both Tay and New looked at each other, only thinking of two question. Why was Gun calling Off "P'Off" instead of "Papi"? And how does Gun not know where Off is? Gun was like a GPS glued onto Off. He always knew where the older was.

"Um, Gun? How about we get the schedule together? Go press on the elevator. I'll be there in a minute." New asked as Tay looked at him.

"Sure P', just don't kiss each other in public." Gun winked as he quickly walked over to the elevator.

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