😡Chapter 11: Jealousy😡

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You could be the moon but still be jealous of the Stars.


"Ok, here the plan. Right now it's 11:09 a.m. We're going to go to our hotel, leave our belongings there, and get ready for the commercial Shoot. The shooting starts at 12:30 p.m., and ends at 4:30 p.m. After that, you guys are free to do what you want. Tomorrow, we're going to leave Hau Hin at 12 p.m.. Understood?" Kwang explained the plan to Mike and Gun, who were too busy arguing about the luggage.

"You're the one who got the luggage, you should carry it."

"But you're my bodyguard for a reason."

"I'm your bodyguard, not your personal slave."

"I don't see the differences between a bodyguard and a Slave."

"Bodyguard is someone who protects you from bad guys, and a Slave is someone that helps you with your needs."

"Then you have to protect me from the luggage. I could fall down and break my-"

"Can the both of you shut up and listen to what I'm saying!?" Kwang shouted. She's starting to regret even coming with them. "Gun, carry your own things."


"No buts."

"Ugh fine!"

Kwang rolled her eyes and started walking towards the Hotel. Mike followed right behind Kwang, but stopped when he noticed Gun was struggling pulling the luggage. He gave a quick chuckle and went toward Gun to help him. At first Gun refused by saying he doesn't need help, since he was mad at Mike for arguing with him before, but when he saw Mike walking out, he gave up and let Mike carry the luggage.

They went to their hotel room and and placed their luggages at the corner of the room. Kwang explained the plan once again, since the two idiots weren't listening the last time. After explaining, Kwang took a 30 minutes break by laying down on the bed, meanwhile Mike and Gun were planning what to do after the shooting was done. They both came up with a plan. As soon as the shooting finished, they will go to the beach, and play around a little. After that, they will go to a gaming place that's nearby and play few games. Finally, they will go to this famous restaurant that Gun went last time he came to Hau Hin, and have a early dinner. Gun started giggling and was very excited to show Mike around. Mike is also very excited since Gun looked so cute planning things out.

After the 30-minute break, Kwang, Gun, and Mike started walking towards the place were the shooting was going to happen. When they entered the large building, they were greeted by the director and the staffs. Gun obviously hated being there. Gun felt very uncomfortable there. He hated that he had to pull up a fake smile and shake the people's hand, even though he wanted nothing more then to disappear. Mike notice the sudden change in Gun's behavior, but didn't think much of it.

After a while of greeting around, Kwang went with the director to discuss a few things, meanwhile Gun was called to go to the Stylist room to get his makeup and outfit done. Gun didn't want to go there alone. Last time when Gun was alone with the stylist, they kept on making comments about how beautiful Gun's skin is, and how girly Gun looked like.
Gun knows his beautiful, but he didn't like how they kept on comparing him with girls. He's a man, not a woman.

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