😔Chapter 21: A New Feeling with A New Headache😔

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"It's funny how you made me hate my own name."


Gun stood in front of the big mirror, that was in his bathroom. His eyes will all red from the lack of sleep, and tears. And the headache wouldn't stop. He really didn't want to go to work, but he knew he had to. There's no point of running away like that. It was only going to make it worse. He shouldn't be selfish, when he was the only one who had feelings. He quickly grabbed whatever he could find in his closet, even if his socks were miss matched, and got ready for work.

He called Kwang and told her that she didn't need to come and pick him up, since he was going to come with a friend. It was all a lie. He didn't want to face anyone at this moment. He looked at the time, and realized he was already getting late, so he rushed out of the house without even eating breakfast.

He quickly ran to the elevator, which was taking a while to come, but as soon as the door opened, he jumped into the elevator. He plans on taking a taxi to work.

He got out of the elevator, and reached for his wallet to see how much cash he had. Fuck. He whispered underneath his breath. He forgot his wallet in his room. He closed his eyes, and took a quick deep breath before running back inside the building. He thanked the dear Lord, for the elevator arriving faster this time. He got inside the elevator and pressed the button for his floor.

Once the elevator came to a stop at his floor, he quickly got out of the elevator and ran towards his apartment door. He was about to take his key out when he noticed his door wasn't locked...

That's weird... I remember closing the door... or did I forget it as I rushed out of the house?

He shook the thought out of his head as he opened the door. His wallet was right on top of his bed. A small smile appeared in his lips, as he grabbed the wallet, but the smile dropped once he heard a weird noise. He quickly turned around, but no one was there... Did I hear wrong? but Just to make the uneasy feeling go away, he took a few steps closer to his closet. He took another step, and then another, until He was finally close to the door. He grabbed the handle to open it... 

*Ring Ring*

Gun doesn't know why he got a little jump scares, but he quickly took out his phone, and answered it.


"Don't 'hello' me, where are you? The meeting is going to start soon." New whisper screamed into the phone.

"Oh shit!" Gun quickly turned around, and ran towards the door. "I'll be there really fast."

"You better!"

"Where is he?" Tay asked New as soon as he ended the call.

"He said that he'll be here soon."

New, Tay, Off and some of the other GMM staffs were sitting around the long table, waiting for the meeting to start. Tay and New were sitting right next to each other, meanwhile Off was in front of them. However Off seems to be in a completely different world. He was playing with his fingers, while his attention was towards the window, as if he was thinking of something.

This didn't go unnoticed by his friends. New kicked Tay from underneath the table, and signals him to talk to Off. Tay quickly got the signal, and tried to start the conversation.

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