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I was angry. Angrier than probably ever before. I was scared. I pushed the door open to see the main culprit; Jaemin. He looked irresistible and I had to hold my self bacn from taking him there and then. But my mind was too clouded to think about anything like that. I stormed out of the building, heading straight for the only place that takes my mind off things. No surprisingly not drinking nor drugs, but sex. I walk into the club angrily letting the smell of sweat, smoke and liquor fill my lungs. The music was loud but the only thing that filled my brain was a certain boys pout and I needed to get rid of it. I walked over to the hidden corridor, knocking on number 7. A girl I know all to well is willing to give me what I need to take my mind off Jaemin.
She opens the door and smirks upon seeing me. I used to come here all the time a while back. Before I realised I was bi. But now I just need to get my mind off nana.
"Long time no see Lee Jeno."
She smirked.
I tried to smile but it didn't really work and she looked a bit disappointed.
She takes my coat off smoothly before leading me to the sofa of the dimly lit red room. I closed my eyes feeling her undo my shirt and belt before she takes her clothes off. Before I knew it her squeals of pleasure could be heard from a mile away as I slammed into her. I pushed harder, gripping tighter trying to feel something, anything...But no I felt nothing. I was numb and she's already came four times. I was scared to close my eyes, afraid of seeing my roommate, his legs, his plump lips and gorgeous smile. Just that simple thought sent me in a spiral as a wave of pleasure hit for a split second, disappearing as I heard her whine my name. I looked at her, her lips were not the ones I wanted to kiss, her hair wasn't as soft, her skin was rough and wizened despite being only a year older than me. This isnt the person I want but it's the person I need. I need anyone but Jaemin right now. I ploughed harder, my eyes fluttering shut, I couldn't stop the images of Jaemin clouding my thoughts. I needed to come soon, or else she'll get angry or too tired. So I let my thoughts run wild, keeping my eyes and ears tightly closed. I imagined him, on the sofa, his moans in my ear and I hit his sweet spot. I began to feel something, I could feel my climax nearing and I grabbed onto her throat, I needed to cum bad. I imagined his body wriggling under mine, begging for more as I left marks on his neck.

"Ah! Ah fuck Nana, mmmm" I was so close, she stopped whining as I spoke and I came deep into the condom. My breath was ridged as I sat up pulling the condom off and disposing it.
"Who the fucks Nana?"
She stood up, walking towards me quickly with her hand raised, I didn't even have a chance to respond before her hand came clattering down on my cheek.
"Don't you dare come to me moaning another persons name."

"N-no it's not what you think he's-"

"HE? It's a HE? Even more disgusting. Get out and leave your money with the guard you fucker."
I nodded and quickly left. What the fuck just happened. I was glad I wasn't fully undressed...
She was right, I was disgusting, fucking her to take my mind off Jaemin. To protect the stupid walls I built my self.

After a few seconds of walking through the club I realised I had company. I turned to see three men. I could swear I recognised two of them from somewhere but I just walked quicker. Once I was out of the club, the Ice cold air hit me, making my cheek sting. I hate my self.

I walked down the street glancing behind me as I heard three pairs of feet running after me. This was it I was going to die. I laughed to my self before turned around to meet their devilish eyes. 

"Why are you-" before I could finish a very shitty feeling punch was taken to my tummy. I buckled over, seeing stars.
I regained my composure before another could strike, they stank of weed.
I tackled one to the ground while the others tried to pull my body off I kept punching the man in the face. The two others pulled me away as the man scrambled up to face me. I was restrained, helpless as he wiped the blood from his nose and grabbed my jaw roughly.
"Your that prick from the party who ruined our fun."

Then it hit me. I knew who he was. I filled with absolute rage as he smirked seeing my reaction.
I, with out hesitation, wiped that smirk away, kicking him in the balls before turning and punching the boy who had his arms around me. The other was a coward, he looked younger so I wasted no time on him. He wasn't the one who hurt Nana.
Once one was down I moved on the the main man. He looked so scruffy now see him in front of me ready to pounce. No wonder he doesn't get layed.
I should NOT have thought for to king because before I knew it he was on top of me taking tens of thousands of punches to my face.


A girls voice sounded as two guards ripped the man off of me.
I looked up through blood shot eyes, feeling the bruises forming already. My lip was for sure burst and my nose was bleeding like Han river.
The guards took the men away as the girl helped me up.
"Jeno your a fucking idiot." She wiped away some of the blood with a tissue before walking away with out another word. I couldn't speak, my head was killing me. But the pain was bearable, I deserved this. For being the horrible person I am. It payed for everything I've ever done. Though I hope those men get what they deserve too.

All this because I'm too scared to grow feelings for Jaemin. How selfish can I be.

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