Special chap 1/2

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"Jaemin, relax, it's going to be alright." Jeno uttered in a calming voice, reaching  over and taking Jaemins palm.
"She'll love you I'm sure." He continued, flashing him a dimpled smile before turning back to look at the road. The sun was shining a little too bright, the light bouncing off the shining tarmac, practically blinding Jaemin. He forced a nervous smile before looking down at his hand that was gift wrapped in Jeno's larger one.
'She'll love you' he repeated in his mind as a way of self reassurance. Today was the day Jaemin was going to meet Jeno's Grandmother. Part of him was excited, he didn't know his own grandmother well, but always had a soft spot for elderly- he found him self smiling at them on the streets or helping them cross the roads. One time, he helped an old lady with her shopping and in return she bought him and ice cream. He's never not been nice to an elderly since then. However, the other half of him was shitting literal bricks. His heart was rising and falling between calm and terrified. He didn't know why, but he felt like this mattered to him more than it should. Knowing that Jeno's Grandmother is so important to him, makes Jaemin want to make an unforgettable first impression.


"I can feel your palms sweating."

Jaemin's breath hitched as he took his hand from Jeno's wiping it on his lap while avoiding eye contact. Jeno chuckled at his actions, ruffling the boys hair as they stopped at a red light.
"Take my phone and message Grandma that we are a few minutes away please"
The elder said as he turned a corner.
Jaemin let out a soft "okay" reaching into Jeno's bag and pulling out his phone. He turned it on, letting out a stupidly big smile as he saw the screen. It was a picture of the two of them, as well as Chenle and Jisung  sat on the couch, all with fake moustaches on with weird glasses. He typed in the four letter password - 5236 - which spelled - JAEM - on the iPhone in his hand. Sometimes he still has to slap himself to make sure he isn't dreaming.
He clicked on contacts and typed out a quick message before turning it off again.
"Done" he said quickly before putting the phone in Jeno's bag.
"Are you excited?"

"Yeah actually I guess I am!" This time he couldn't help but smile when Jeno's face lit up. They then turned into the drive of the nursing home. It wasn't as dull as Jaemin had expected. There was a garden, with grandmas and grandads walking in, admiring the pretty smells and colours of the flowers.
"Wow this place is really nice" Jaemin said in awe. The building was well kept and looked relatively new, worth large windows and a water feature by the reception door.
"No way would my grandmother settle for anything less. She's high maintenance." He said with a fake sigh, pulling into a parking space for guests.
"You take after her" Jaemin whispered only to earn a firm smack on the thigh.
"If anyone is high maintenance ITS YOU" Jeno poked Jaemins forehead. He didn't know why he expected Jaemin to have a normal reaction. Instead the boy opened his mouth as wide as he could, taking in a deep gasp before spitting bars incredibly fast about how disrespectful that was. He put on an annoying baby voice, the voice Jeno had learned to love.
"God you're so annoying baby." He giggled, undoing Jaemins seat belt for him.
"I know right!" The younger winked, getting out of the car along side Jeno.

Jaemin jogged around the bonnet, taking ahold of Jeno's hand. He forgot about how much he adored old people in the car, too clouded by nerves to realise how utterly excited he was.
Jeno lead him into the reception, showing a little card before he was allowed to walk into the main building. He knew his way around, taking a left then a right into a large living space where he stopped with a beaming smile.
"Jeno my love!" A voice called from the bingo table. Jaemin looked over to see a very beautiful lady, curly white hair and bright eyes hobbling over towards them. She looked exactly like Jeno, the exact same eyes smile, but older of course. However, she didn't look withered or tired, it was As if her body was old, but her soul was still just as pure and youthful as the good old days.
Jeno let go of Jaemins hand, taking hers and kissing her cheek.
"Hiya Gran!" She turned towards Jaemin, a confused look on her face, causing his heart rate to pick up rapidly- only to fall when she smiled at him sweetly.
"You must be Jaeson!"
She shouted with her arms out.
"No, this is Jaemin, not Jaeson!" Jeno complained, shaking his head.
The lady's face dropped faster than her arms.
"That's what I said you dummy..." she mocked, raising her arms again and engulfing Jaemin. Stiffly, he snakes his arms around her. She smelled like fresh oranges.
"It's fantastic to meet you Mrs Lee."

She pulled away, cupping the boys face, analysing it closely.
"You too my dear."

"Alright, let's go sit down." Jeno interrupted, overcome by the joy of being in the presence of his two favourite people.

They sat for a while, hours, talking about Jeno's childhood, Mrs Lee and Jaemins mums plant addiction. Watching Jeno and his grandmother chat and laugh wanted Jaemins heart. He couldn't have asked for a better day. The sun was shining through the french doors that led to the back garden. There were people sat on benches, walking with nurses and some feeding the fish in the pond. He felt comfortable. He turned back to the two before him. Smiling at them as Mrs Lee punches Jeno's cheek, saying something about how he used to be a chubby baby. He didn't mind that he wasn't involved in the conversation. Seeing the two of them smiling suddenly became the most important thing to him in that moment.

After another hour or so, the boys said their good byes, promising to visit her again on the weekend. Driving home, the sun began to set and keeping his eyes open became a massive chore for Jaemin. Jeno glanced over, noticing the boys head lowering then shooting back up as he dozed off. Letting out a soft chuckle, he placed his hand on Jaemins thigh, rubbing small circles with his thumb.
"You did well today baby."

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