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"See you later, have fun!" Ten squealed as he walked away with Jonny. It was finally time for my last lesson, korean. I was ready for some learning as I had just spent all lunch looking on line and ordering a heater.
I was kind of looking forward to korean, as I'm really good at it, especially creative writing.
[korean in my story is the equivalent of English for us in real life]
I entered the class, recognising a few faces, but one in particular. JENO.
My body suddenly felt hot and my lungs felt heavier. I blamed the anger, but it didn't feel like it.
"You must be jaemin?" The teacher called as I walked in further.
"Yeah that's me!" I said smiling, wanting a good first impression.
"Right well you can sit next Mark!" The teacher said loudly so the boy could hear her.
She pointed out the boy for me so I could go and sit next to him.
"Hi I'm jaemin." I said smiling and sitting down in the seat.
"Hi, I'm mark, but I guess you already knew that." He laughed and unpacked his own bag, taking out the text book.
"Today we will be having a relatively relaxed session as it's the first day for some and the first day back for the rest!" The teacher said with her palms together, smiling at the class.
The room filled with 'oo's and yes's' as she handed out a worksheet for us to do.
I began on the sheet answering all 30 questions with in minutes. After completing it I looked around seeing everyone else still at the top of the sheet. I guess I really was good at korean.
"Jaemin are you finished?" The teacher asked to which I nodded.
"You mind helping a few people out?" She asked not saying specifically who though.
"Sure!" I said eagerly standing up gaining a few glances as my chair shrieked against the floor.
"Ok go and help, hmm, go help Jeno" she said pointing him out. Suddenly my chest felt a huge weight on it as everyone gasped and looked at me. What was with everyone and jeno.
I over heard a girl sayin that I'd get beaten up if I even dared to sit with him. What a drama queen.
I sat down in front of him with my arms crossed.
"Are you on drugs? thinking you can sit here?" He asked me, I had already had enough of his shit today.
"Save is Jeno, it's not like I want to sit here anymore than you want me to, so suck it up princess and deal with it." I said quickly, Honestly I was shocked at my self.
Where did that come from like holy moly.
He glared at me.
"Jaemin, you have to actually help Jeno!" The teacher called making me sigh and turn to the elder.
"What are you struggling with?"



"I'm kidding jaemin god, just ~"
He explained the problems he was having with the questions, and I was surprised he'd even opened up to me. Maybe he isn't that bad I guess. I can deal with him.
The lesson soon came to an end after the painful silence of Jeno working.
"Right now fuck off" Jeno suddenly said making my heart hurt a bit. I decided I was tired of all witty ness and just walked away with out a word. He frowned looking almost slightly guilty, clearly he just wanted a reaction... or attention.
I walked quickly to my dorm with my earphones in expecting to come home shower and sleep but no. Not at all that. When I unlocked my door I saw fresh covers on the spare bed, a suitcase, and a bunch shoes on the opposite wall to mine.
"Are you kidding me?" I asked my self throwing my bag into my bed, my self following suit. Luckily I was the only one in the room, but I wasn't really looking forward to seeing who had invaded me space.
I took the opportunity of being alone to go and take a nice LONG warm shower. I was blasting out BTS and Black Pink, singing along not missing a note. If there was one thing is this world I was remotely good at, it's singing.
Once I was finished I wrapped towel round my waist and entered my room. Except I didn't quite see a figure on the spare bed.
I glance round the room seeing someone sat on the bed with a smug look on there face
I said, squinting my eyes and pinching to make sure I hadn't bashed my head in the shower or something.
He laughed standing and walking over to me.
My face turned red, red as a berry as his cologne swiftly took up my nose making the rest of me numb.
"Hello, jaemin." He said Right in my face, grinning like he had me wrapped around his finger.
"Fuck off Jeno get out this has to be a joke right?"

"Does it look like a joke?" He asked, gesturing to his bed.
I stayed silent for a while in deep thought.
"W-well, we n-need ground rules. L-like no agression a-and-"

"Chill kid, I'm not going to hurt you ok?"


"Really? Dumb and deaf"


"I was kidding! Ground rule number 2, let Jeno joke sometimes."

Was it just me or was he being kind of nice compared to usual.
"Fine I'm getting dressed."
I quickly said as I moved into the bathroom again. It was odd, everyone seems scared of Jeno, I'm not hugely scared of him, Well emphasis on hugely.
After getting changed I headed out of the room not even glancing over at the other, I just needed time to think. Could I move rooms? Could he move? What if he bullies me or something?
I opened the kitchen door to see jisung and Chenle sat on the couch watching a film.
"He guys!" I said trying to be cheerful, clearly it didn't sound to convincing.
"What happened, you've got a face like a smacked arse, who do I need to beat up?!" Jisung suddenly said, sitting up straight.
"No one!" I laughed- "you wouldn't be able to beat them up anyway little-in"

"So someone had pissed you off?" Chenle asked, I did just give it away by staying them.

"Fine. Did you know Jeno was our new flat mate?" I mumbled taking a pot noodle out of the cupboard.

"Yes Chenle, Jeno"

"The Jeno? The bully that beats everyone up, that Jeno? How are you still alive?"

"He isn't that bad I sit next to him in Some lessons!" I said, weirdly feeling the need to stand up for him.

"Jesus, why hasn't he hurt you yet, no one ever sits with him or he'll break there neck! Now your sharing a room?! Good luck man your gonna need it."

"He's an idiot, and a jackass but he won't hurt me."

"How the hell do you know? He could turn around and beat you up for anything you do wrong-"
Chenle rushed his voice laced with concern.

"Lele, it's fine, he said he isn't going to hurt me."

Both the boys sat in front of me looked really confused.
"Are you sure we are on about the same Jeno?" Jisung asked, squinting his eyes to focus.

I nodded slurping up my ramen pot.
"I wonder why he's being... nice?"

I nodded again finishing up the rest of my noodles.

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