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After that me, jisung and Chenle watched a film, the door opened revealing a tired looking Jeno. He walked in silently taking and apple from the fruit bowl. Both jisung and Chenle just stared at him,
"What you looking at arse wipes." He hissed at the two making my mouth run dry.
"Shut up" I shot back, startling him, clearly his threat earlier didn't scare me.
"What ever" He said shrugging and walked out of the room, Apple in mouth.
I sighed and leaned back on the couch pressing play.
The boys remained shocked for a solid 20/25 seconds after I pressed play.
"Did you just tell Jeno what to do, and he did it? You're a wizard nana!" Chenle whisper shouted, leaning in like the drama queen he is.
"Is there a problem?" I asked trying to concentrate on finding Nemo.
"Yes! The one who owns the school just took orders from you!"
I shrugged it off and carried on with the film thinking nothing of it.

A While later, I entered mine and Jenos room to a surprise. He was on his bed, only wearing joggers, nothing on his top half. I suddenly felt hot, un able to avert my eyes, transfixed on the toned boy, lying in front of me. As I walked closer more details of his face could be seen. I hadn't properly looked yet, but he really was handsome. His skin was flawless and his eye lashes were long, dusting his cheeks. His black hair, slightly damp from a shower I presume, was sprawled everywhere.
For once he didn't look angry, scary, intimidating or mean but more calm and peaceful.
I quietly changed my shirt and put on a pair of PJ bottoms, not getting completely naked just out of respect for someone sleeping in the same room as me. I could have changed in the bathroom, but I already had clean boxers on and I was too tired to be honest. I carefully undid my jeans taking them off and swiftly putting on a pair of joggers before stripping myself of my shirt and putting a fresh one on. It was cold, really cold tonight so I put on a hoodie too. Finally I crawled into bed and turned off my lamp. All the while not realising a pair of eyes, slightly open, watching me.

I woke up to the sound on chenles laugh next door, it's nicer than my alarm clock but still annoying.
I walked out of the room to prepare breakfast, I felt bad for being rude to Jeno even though he's always an ass hole. Maybe he'll be nice to me if I'm nice to him. So I made him eggs on toast and brought it back into the room.
By this time, he was awake and on his phone in bed.
"Morning." I mumbled with two plates in my hands. He didn't look up from his phone.
"Ay faggot, I got exited I thought you had left already." He said, the words wrenching at my heart a little.
"Wow thanks Jeno, I'll just eat the breakfast I made you as a 'peace treaty' then geez." I said sarcastically walking to my bed, showing off the good food in front of me. His head shot up, smelling the intense glory of my plates.
"Wait jaemin, I'm sorry." He said but I ignored him, taking a bite out of the toast, moaning in delight.
"Sorry, I didn't know you made that for me."

"So do I have to fucking make you food just for you to be relatively nice to me. God Jeno"
I sighed sitting down placing the spare food beside me.
"N-no that n-not what I meant Jae- jaemin."

I ignored him engulfing the delicious egg and toast.
"I'm sorry, I'll make dinner tonight?"

"Jeno you don't know how to cook!" I laughed.
"H-how do you know?"

"Everyone knows you can't cook Jeno, even the new kids and faggots like me." I answered back sarcastically.

"I'm sorry ok?" He pleaded, I couldn't bare to listen to his whining anymore so I passed him the plate.
He practically inhaled it.
"Wow, this is really good!" He said, probably un aware of his words so I just ignored him, and I guess he ignored it too.
I rushed and got changed in the bathroom before running out to meet Chenle and jisung outside of the dorms to walk to class.

"How was your first night with the devil?" Chenle asked as we walked to meet the others before class starts.
"Fine, he fell asleep while we watched the film"
I didn't know whether to tell them about this morning, I didn't want them to go mad about how he apologised to me. They said he never apologises, never shows any sort of remorse. He's a cold hearted bitch.

"What about in the morning, I bet he was a moody ass hole." Jisung said rolling his eyes upon sayin the last part.

"Yeah, I made him breakfast to be nice, but then he called me a faggot but apologised."

"Oh, he apologised?!" Chenle asked looking again confused.
I nodded, Ten and Jonny finally coming into sight.
Ten waved eagerly upon seeing us.
"Hey boys! How are yall!" He asked excitedly, way too loud for me on a Tuesday morning.
"Good, I have an English exam today so wish me luck" Jisung said holding onto Chenle tightly who just snuggled in.
"Me too!" Johnny groaned, seeming completely unbothered about grades.

"Where's Tae and jaehyun?" I asked not seeing the couple.
"Probs having sex in some closet."
Ten replied laughing. I cringed at the thought, but soon got over it.
"I gotta go to math, see you at lunch!" I blurted walking quickly to my locker. I began pulling out my books when a familiar voice filled the hallway.
"Morning pricks!" Jeno yelled, making everyone part, a pathway forming through the hall.
"Stupid bitch" I said maybe a little too loudly, forgetting the room was pretty quiet upon seeing Jeno.
"Say that again freak!" One of the smaller boys in jenos group said loudly making me flinch. I kept my head turned not looking at anyone; however I could still feel that all eyes were on me.
I heard foot steps walk up behind me before a sharp pain shot up my back as I was slammed into the locker to face Jeno. It hurt like mad, the lock had broken my skin and I could feel the blood staining my luckily black sweater. My eyes turned glassy as I met jenos gaze.
"Hit him Jeno what you waiting for!"

"Jeno smack him!"
The group yelled, but Jeno just waited, his hands either side of my head.
His eyes flickered between mine, my lips and his feet. What was he thinking?
The pain was getting to much and one single tear fell onto my cheek. I squeezed my eyes shut getting ready for a punch. I loud bang came from my right ear, but no pain. Gasps and shrieks were heard from the crowd as well. I opened my eyes to see jenos face, seething with anger as he looked at his now bruised knuckles. He hit the locker not me.
He took his hands away before pushing me into the locker again.
With out a word he turned around glaring at the crowed, and as if by magic they all scurried away like Beatles. He was the king.

"Did you not take my threat seriously yesterday jaemin?" He asked once the hall had cleared.
I nodded, not letting another tear slip.
"Well what the fuck was that then?"
Honestly I didn't know the answer to that, I just didn't mean to speak so loud.
"Why didn't you punch me?"
The question seemed to shock him. He looked down licking his lips and his thumb trailed his knuckles.
He looked deep in thought.
"Your new, I'll go easy on you, but if you keep on pissing me off I'll end you ok?" He said, his voice laced with an emotion I couldn't understand in the last few words. He stormed off into a random class room, leaving me in the Corridor. I, like the others scurried off to first lesson.

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