Chapter 7: How is it all true?

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Y/n's POV

I ran back to the Wayne Manor thinking that I must of saw the love of my life. I ran inside and I slammed the door closed.

"Ms. L/n?"

I turn my head and I see Alfred standing there holding a tray. I run up to him.

"You won't believe who I saw!"

Alfred places the tray to the side and walks up to me and grabs my shoulders.

"Calm down, Ms. L/n. Take a deep breath." Alfred calmly tells me

I breathe in and out slowly as I held onto Alfred by his upper arms.

I don't know if I'm dreaming or did I just see the person who I've been mourning for from these past 5 years walking with a duffle bag but he seemed.....different.

To me, he doesn't look like the Jason Todd I know.

"Alfred? I think I sa-"


Alfred and I turned our heads and we see Bruce standing by the door with his hands in his pockets.

"Come here." Bruce nods his head towards the living room.

I look up at Alfred but he nods his head at me to go to him. I pulled away from him as I walk towards the living room where Bruce is at. I see Bruce sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Isn't it a little late for coffee or are you gonna stay up again as always to find Red Helmet man?" I commented, sarcastically.

Bruce didn't respond and just replied.

"Just sit down. There's something we do have to discuss." Bruce said as I walk towards the other couch and sat down, placing my hands on my lap.

"Okay. I'm sitting. What is it that's so important even though I'm feeling that I might go crazy or I'm just hallucinating."

"Who was it that you saw? Or who you think you saw?" Bruce questioned me as I paused.

I didn't know what to say but Bruce being the world's greatest detective, I think he knows.

I took another long pause but I replied.

"I think you know, huh?"

Bruce stared at me as he places his cup of coffee on the table and intertwined his hands together.

"I know who it was, Y/n." Bruce stared at me but I don't know what to do or say.

"This is a dream, Bruce."

"I know it's unbelievable but I need you know that all of this, it's all for him to prove a point. I don't want you to be in danger now he knows that you saw him."

"Bruce," I started to choke as I felt tears slowly starting to come. "....he's not-"

"Y/n. Please know that I will do my best to bring him back. To bring him home. The state he's in right now, he's not the person we both care for before, this new person he is. He's dangerous."

I slowly felt tears coming down my cheeks as I hugged myself, looking down at the ground for a moment and I look back at him.

"He's dead, Bruce. Jason Todd is dead!"

Bruce stared at me not knowing what to say but he's right. I can't pretend.

He's here.


"How?" I asked him.

"That's what I have to find out. Right now, all I want is for you to stay here. For you to remain safe."

"How is it all true? I still feel like I'm stuck in a nightmare." I cried as Bruce shakes his head.

"Nightmares come and go. There are times we do fear it or we can fight it." Bruce responded to me

"Nightmares. Nightmares as always and I dealt with the same one for 5 years!"

"You think you dealt with the same one! I wish it was me and not him. A long life ahead of him and he loved you so much but it would hurt me to loose you too. Hell, even if it were Dick and Tim, even Alfred. I'll be damned. Y/n, you know who that was. Just know, I won't stop fighting until I bring him home. Back to us. Back to you."

I wipe away my tears as I look at Bruce in the eye then I said the words I never thought I'll say.

"Jason Peter Todd is alive."

OMG I know its been forever and I'm so so so sorry😭😭😭 I'm dealing with a lot of mental issues and school so plz bare with me everyone😔
Thank you for your patients everyone and love you all. Stay safe! Plz!!! I'll update as soon as I can.

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