Chapter 26: It's Time

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Dick's POV

Tim and I begin to suit up in my apartment for tonight's mission.

We gotta save Y/n.

Most importantly, stop Jason before it's too late.

I grab my escrima sticks from under my bed and as well as more of my smoke bombs I stored in.

Tim walks into my room with his suit on but without a mask on.

"You know, to keep our identities secret, you gotta wear your mask." I smirked, putting on my domino mask and turning my body towards.

Tim chuckled.

"Relax." Tim reaches from his utility belt and pulls out a mask. "I already know my first rule. Identity needs to remain secret? I'm way ahead of you."

I walk up to him patting his shoulder as I walk past him and he comes beside me, walking down the hallway with me.

"Got the location set?"

"Got it. Just gotta trace the location real quick." I replied, pulling out my GPS tracker, typing in the location as it shows us where we're heading. "Boom."

Tim smiles and he puts his mask on.

"What we waiting for? C'mon let's go!"

Ti- I mean Robin rushes to the window and opening it, as he jumps out shouting out 'woohoo'. I let out a sigh and putting my hands on my hips.

"Huh? He gets that excitement, all for a mission?....Oh" I smiled to myself as I rush towards the window, jumping out of the window and closing it behind me.

I quickly pull out my grappling hook and begin swinging from building to building as Robin follows me.

Jason's POV

I laid down next to Y/n on the bed, rubbing my hand against her bare shoulder as she lays on her side asleep. I smiled just looking down at her seeing how beautiful she was from head to toe. I kissed her bare shoulder as I lay my head on top of hers for a moment.

I never knew we'll come this far.

I love her more than anything.

I never want to let her go.

But tonight, I'm ending what Bruce should've done so long ago.

Joker dies tonight.

I pull Y/n closer to me as I place a kiss on her head. She groans in her sleep but I gently hushed her.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm still here. Go back to sleep, baby." I whispered

I felt her relaxed under my touch as I gently hugged her.

I'll be back, Y/n. As soon as I'm done.

"I'll see you soon." I whispered once again, as I force myself to gently push off of her.

I grabbed my boxers from the floor and putting them back on.

I never wanted any of this to happen with her. I'm allowing Dick to come get her. Save her from me while I go do my business. Keep them busy. I know she'll be upset but I will be back for her.

Whatever it takes.

I look back down at her, reflecting from what just happen between us. I smiled at the memory as I slowly started to frown. I let a soft sigh and looking away from her.

"I'm sorry, Y/n."

I started suiting up as Red Hood as I left my hideout. As time passed, I jumped down on the rooftop as I looked out towards the city with my fists clenched.

"This is it, Gotham." I spoke through my helmet.

I look from behind me before I jump down from the rooftop, heading to Arkham Asylum.

Y/n's POV

My eyes started lifting as I started waking up from sleep. I let out a soft smile thinking about what just happened between me and Jason.

We did it.

We had sex.

I wanted it to be him, and I got it.

My head started to spin a little bit as I reached towards Jason's side to feel his comfort, but ending up feeling nothing.

I look behind me and I just see an empty spot next to me.

I sit up, covering my chest with the sheets as I look around the room. I notice that on top of the nightstand was an envelope with my name on it. I reach over to grab the envelope and I open it, only to have a letter inside.


I'm sorry it has to be this way. I never wanted anything to happen to you. It was the only way. What you had was the way for me to get into Arkham. His cell and the mark to get in. Joker dies tonight, I'm ending it once and for all. I know Bruce and Dick are coming for you. I gave them clues to find you. It was never suppose to be difficult. I could've if I wanted to. Probably could've got you out of this city if I wanted to. Don't think that what we just did was for nothing. It will always be something to me. Believe me, I will come back for you. Please understand me, Y/n. I love you.


I cover my mouth with my hand as my eyes began to tear up.

I thought I was able to bring him home, only for him to get what he wanted. No wonder he took all my gadgets and everything and all of this was to keep my distracted?

He's better than this. I know he is.


I hear someone yell from behind the door.


"Dick?" I called out, as I began covering myself over the sheets, looking around for my undergarments wasting no time getting up from the bed.

The door breaks down as I see Nightwing and Robin rushing in.

"Guys!" I smiled, wrapping the sheet around me, as I grab my underwear and bra off the floor.

"Y/- your naked." Robin awkwardly responds.

"Look we don't have time for this. Yes. Jason and I had sex but he only used me and kept me here only for him to get the location where Joker's at." I replied, dropping the sheet to the floor as Nightwing quickly covers Robin's eyes as he looks away.

"Warn us next time if you do that." Nightwing mumbled as I put my bra and underwear back on.

"Sorry guys but we don't have time. Jason is out there and we have to stop him before it is too late." I told them, grabbing my suit from under the bed. "He's gonna kill Joker."

"Well what are waiting for then? Let's go!"

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