Chapter 3: The Encounter

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Nightwing and I finally made it to Chinatown to meet up with Batman. We landed on the rooftop and we see Batman standing there, waiting for us.

"You two finally made it. About time." Batman said

"Sorry, Bats. We had to patrol the city. Be glad that we are here." I said, putting a hand on my hip.

"Anyway, you said we have to find the Red Hood, right?" Nightwing said to Batman.

"Yes, he is somewhere here in Chinatown." Batman said, looking around the city for a minute then back at us.

"Okay, well, what are we waiting for? Let's go find him." I said, about to take out my grappling hook from my utility belt but was interrupted.

"Well, well, well."

We turn around and we see the one and only Red Hood, standing there with his arms crossed.

"Guess I found you three instead." Red Hood chuckled.

"Alright, Red Hood. You already know you are definitely gonna lose. It's three of us against one of you." Nightwing smirked, taking out his escrima sticks.

"Well, we could make this more easier. You three can go easy on me. I promise I won't do anything." Red Hood said, putting his hands up in defense.

Nightwing and I smirked and Batman just gave him one of his famous Bat Glares. Nightwing spins his escrima sticks around and I took out my bo staff and spinned it around.

Nightwing charged at him and tries to kick him but Red Hood dodges it and jumps and kicks his chest making him stumble back. Nightwing recovers quickly and swings his escrima sticks at him but Red Hood swoops his leg at him making Nightwing land on his back, growling at him.

Red Hood looks at me and I just glared at him and gripped my bo staff tightly. I hear Batman crack his knuckles.

"Let's go, heroes. Don't leave Blue Bird here hanging." Red Hood said.

I smiled and I charged at him. I jumped up trying to see if I could kick him in the face but he ducked down and he ran towards Batman and I rolled the ground and I spinned my bo staff around.

Red Hood threw punches at Batman but obviously Batman would beat him. Batman flipped him to the ground and Nightwing flips off the ground and runs towards the fight. I run right after him and I put my bo staff away.

Batman kicked Red Hood making him stumble back. I heard the Red Hood growl and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his neck and I tried to make him hit the ground but he grabbed my legs and pushed me to the ground with him. I landed on my back and Red Hood was above me and with his gun pointed at my forehead.

I glared at him and Red Hood chuckled.

"Still old man's little bat? So cute. Y/n." Red Hood whispered.

My eyes widened and I heard Nightwing yell.

"Get off of her!"

Nightwing immediately pushed Red Hood off of me and Nightwing kicked him back. Red Hood gave us one last glance and he ran and jumped off the building.

Batman ran after him and I followed. We looked down to see him but he wasn't there. Suddenly I hear ticking and it was a bomb.

"Move!" Batman yelled at me and Nightwing.

Nightwing, Batman, and I jumped off the building and the building exploded but luckily we were at the abandoned apartment so, there were no civilians inside. We landed at the other rooftop.

I stood up and I looked at the rooftop that is going in flames. I just can't believe that whoever this Red Hood is, he knows my name.

"H/n? Is everything okay?" Nightwing asked, walking towards me.

I turned to them and I froze for a minute then responded.

"He knows my name."

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