Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Aria’s POV

Someone grabbed a hold of me.  I knew it was him, his arm was long enough to fit all across my chest.  I was about to scream when he pressed a wet cloth to my mouth.  It had an odour to it and I started to feel drowsy.  I had my phone in my hand and quickly went to speed dial, I knew Niall was number one on my list and I just hoped that I was pressing the right buttons so I could call him and hopefully give him some hint that something was wrong.

Everything started to fade and it became harder and harder to fight the drug.  My phone slipped out of my hand as I fell against Julius, succumbing to unconsciousness.

Niall’s POV

I was glad that Aria didn’t have to worry anymore about Julius.  I understand why she did worry, that guy was massive compared to her, he could break any of her bones with just one wave of his hand.  I was mad enough that he sprained her arm by throwing her into a wall.  I would have protected her if he didn’t have me pinned down, throwing punches at me like crazy.  At least I was the one with the stab wound, I’d much rather prefer me have more serious wounds than her.  It only hurt a bit if I moved, or breathed, but I didn’t care I would heal, and she was safe.

The other lads stopped their chattering at the sound of my cellphone ringing.  Liam got it off the table beside my hospital bed and handed it to me.  I looked to see that it was Aria, an automatic smile came across my face.

“Hey, why are you calling me from outside the hospital?”  I chuckled.  She didn’t respond, instead I heard what seemed like muffled sounds coming from her end.  I felt a knot form in my stomach when I heard the voice of Julius.  He said something to her but all I heard were muffled sounds and then nothing.  But it was enough to tell me that Julius had Aria and she was definitely in trouble.

I swung one leg out from under the blankets and groaned in pain.  The other lads were immediately rushing over to me, trying to make me lay back down.

“Aria…Aria’s in danger.”  I said as I pushed away their hands.  “I have…to save her.”

“Niall, you’re injured!  If you go to save her you could get killed!”  Liam protested.

“I don’t care!  Julius could kill HER!”  I winced and clutched my stomach.

“We’ll save Aria, you can stay here where you’re safe.  How about that?”  Louis suggested, but I was not staying behind no matter what they said.

“Whoever’s going, I’m coming too.  Don’t try to convince me to stay, Aria’s life can’t wait that long.”  I declared.  The lads sighed in defeat.

“Fine.  But at least two of us will have to stay behind and we need a plan to make sure the nurses don’t come in and find out Niall’s gone.”  Said Liam.

“None of us have Niall’s hair, even if one of us were to lie in the bed and pretend to be Niall they’d know just by our hair that we’re not him.”  Zayn added.

“I have a wig that’s exactly like Niall’s hair!”  Louis piped up.  We all turned to him with confused looks.  He just shrugged.  “Wigs can come in handy when you’re running from screaming fans and I also happened to get a wig to match each of our hairstyles…just for fun.”

“Okaaaay then.  So who’s staying and who’s going?”  Harry asked.

“Well Niall’s going to need good enough backup and Louis and I have the biggest biceps which will be very useful so we should go with him.”  Said Liam.

“So Harry and I are staying here.”  Zayn looked at Harry.  “Who’s pretending to be Niall?”

“Well I have bigger and much curlier hair than you.”  Harry grinned.  “Your hair actually matches Niall’s better than any of us.”

Zayn threw his head back and groaned.  “But Harry you suck at keeping guard!  Why do I have to pretend to be Niall?!”

“Lads please!  Can you please just not fight and do this for me please?  I can’t let him hurt Aria.”  I pleaded.  Zayn and Harry looked at me, their expressions turned to sympathy and they nodded.

Louis got the wig Zayn needed as well as one for me to quickly sneak out of the hospital, I changed into my regular clothes as quickly as I could while trying to fight the pain from my stab wound, Zayn changed into my hospital clothes and got into the bed.  Harry stayed by the door as Louis, Liam, and I managed to sneak out of the hospital.

It was very dark out, I had no idea where Julius would have taken her, I wanted to find her so bad.  I tried not to think about what he was doing to her right now but my mind was reeling with terrifying thoughts.

“Excuse me, did you happen to see this girl around?”  Liam showed a man a picture of Aria on his phone.  The man seemed to study it for a minute before responding.

“I’m not sure, I might have.  If the girl I saw earlier was her, a man was carrying her into a black van.”  The man replied.

“Do you know which direction they went in?”  I asked eagerly.  The man pointed us in the direction and we quickly thanked him and then headed off that way in search of an abandoned building or something that would hopefully lead us to Aria.  “I’ll find you, Aria.  Just hang on, please.” 

Aria’s POV

I groaned as I managed to open my eyes and let my vision clear.  “What happened?”  I thought to myself.  My head was spinning a bit and I felt groggy like I had just swallowed half a bottle of NyQuil.  “Where am I?”  I looked down and realized I was tied to a chair, the ropes binding my wrists proved to be way too tight for me to break free.  I was about to scream for help when Julius stepped into view.

“Morning, Sleepy Head!”  He said cheerily.  I wanted to slap him across the face so bad.

“What did you do to me?!”  I raised my voice but it didn’t seem to faze him.

“Yeah sorry about that, I may have used a bit too much of the drug to knock you out but don’t worry you’re fine you’ll probably just feel a little groggy for a bit, which should benefit me actually.”  He grinned.

“I can’t wait till Niall comes and saves me and wipes that smug look right off your face.” 

That did it.  Julius marched up to me and gave the side of my face a hard slap.  I let out a reluctant yelp and kept my head down.

“You’re MINE.  Not his.”  He scolded.  “Besides, if he does come, I’m prepared.  I saw you sneak a call to him on your phone right before you passed out.”

I looked up to see him pulling out two little guns from his belt.  One was a regular gun, the other one I wasn’t quite sure what it was.  As if reading my mind he said, “Don’t worry, you’ll see what this other gun does soon enough.  In the meantime, how about we have a little fun?”

I gulped.  Whatever “fun” he had in mind was definitely not going to be fun for me.  He looked me up and down like a lion preparing to jump at its prey. 

“Tell me,”  he began as he walked up to me and stood behind me.  “Does your little blonde bitch touch you the way I do?”  He started to seductively massage my shoulders and slowly moving his hands around, sliding the straps of my tank top off in the process.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but he is much better than you in so many ways.”  I suddenly felt his nails dig into my skin, I grimaced.  I should probably stop purposely making him angry.

“When I’m through with you, you won’t want to resist me.”  He whispered into my ear, sending a shiver down my neck.

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