Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Aria’s POV

“The scenery is so beautiful in Ireland!”  Liam spread his arms, taking in a breath of fresh air as we walked down a path lined with tall, beautiful trees.

We had all decided to go sightseeing around Mullingar, but we had to be careful where we went because of fans and paparazzi.

I had my hands wrapped around Niall’s arm, leaning my head on his shoulder as we walked.  He tilted his head so it rested slightly on mine.

“Look at you two, all couple-y.”  Louis gushed.

I lifted my head causing Niall to do the same.  “Oh, sorry, is it annoying?  I can stop, I-”

“Babe, relax.  I meant it was cute.”  Louis smiled reassuringly.

I smiled bashfully and looked at Niall.  His eyes shined as he gave me a warm smile.

“Hey look, it’s a donut!”  Harry reached down near some fallen leaves and picked up what looked to be an uneaten donut.

“Harry, don’t eat that!”  Louis scolded.

“Yeah, Harry, put that back!”  Zayn charged over to him, almost prying the donut out of his hand until Harry batted his hands away.

“I can put it down myself, Zayn!  I’m not a child.”  He stated, eyeing Zayn and Louis.

Harry put the donut back down on top of the leaves and stood over it as he took out his phone.

“You’re not putting that on Instagram are you?”  Louis rolled his eyes.

I quickly glanced at Niall, who was softly chuckling at them.

Harry shifted his eyes, giving them a guilty look.  “So what if I am?”

Liam was standing by Niall, laughing at the other three as well. 

I was watching them in amusement until I felt Niall nudge me with his arm.  I turned to look at him only to have his lips make contact with mine.

I blinked when he pulled away, slightly in a daze.

“What was that for?”

He shrugged.  “Your lips looked like they needed a hug.”

I looked away, smiling to myself before turning my attention back to Harry, Zayn, and Louis.  Harry had taken a picture of the donut and apparently posted it on Instagram stating in the caption that he had found a donut just lying in the leaves.  Harry had such a random life.

We continued walking down the path.  I looked up, admiring the different colour leaves on all the big trees.

Niall and I both flinched as Liam suddenly wrapped his arms around us, poking his head in between us.

“You know, I just want to say you two seem a lot closer since your…night of passion,”

I exchanged wide eyed glances at Liam with Niall but he continued.

“And I just want to say we’re all so happy that our little Nialler has found such a sweet young lady.”  Liam hugged us tight.

“Thanks man.  That means a lot.”  Niall gave Liam a pat on the back.

“Thank you, Liam.”  I said sweetly.

We neared the end of the path, trees dissipating as a few buildings started to come into view.

“Hey guys, do you think we could find a coffee shop or something?  I need to use the restroom.”  Zayn piped up.

“I see a café down there.”  Liam pointed out.  “Let’s go.”

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