Chapter 4

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Niall and Aria jolted awake at the sound of Louis’ very loud voice.  Louis laughed at them. 

The two of them looked around to see that Zayn, Harry, and Louis were all up and about.  Then noticed how they had been in cuddling position while they slept.  They quickly moved a bit further away from each other as both of their faces started to go red.

“Uh..haha..h-how long have you guys been awake?”  Niall asked while rubbing his eyes.

“About ten minutes, it’s only 9:30 a.m.”  Zayn answered.  He was preparing a cup of coffee for himself in the kitchen.

“Soooo..”  Louis grinned.  “What did you guys do yesterday?”

“You guys couldn’t have been out in public too much,” Harry added while browsing twitter on his phone.  “There’s no trends about Niall being with a mystery girl and erm..none of the fans are talking about you being spotted with a girl yesterday.”

Aria looked at Harry confused.  “Do they normally do stuff like that?”

They all laughed.  “Some of the fans can be very…”  Louis paused, searching for the right word.  “Observant.  Someone spots one of us with some girl and it will be all over twitter and possibly end up trending.”

“Oh but uh..some fans think we’re…uh…gay.”  Harry added.

Her eyes narrowed at him.  “Um..don’t three of you have girlfriends?”

They nodded.  “I guess it’s because we’re really close with each other or something.”  Louis replied with a shrug.

“Where’s Liam?”  Niall asked.

The other boys look around.  “He must not be awake yet.”  Zayn replied.

They found that kind of odd, Liam was usually the first one up.

Liam suddenly appeared around the corner, he smiled at them and opened his mouth to say “Good Morning” but nothing came out.

“Hey Liam, how are ya?”  Niall asked.

Liam opened his mouth to answer but again, nothing came out.  Everyone looked at him with concerned expressions.  Liam looked worried too.  He started waving his hands and pointing to his throat and his mouth.  They all crowded around him.

“He must have lost his voice.”  Niall says.

“Well let’s hope that’s all it is.  Do you feel okay Liam?”  Louis asks.

Liam nods and starts trying to tell them something by moving his hands but they don’t understand him.

“Hold on a second.”  Zayn says as he rushes off.  He comes back a moment later with a pen and a notepad and gives it to Liam.  Liam writes something on it and shows it to them.  It reads:  “I feel fine I just can’t talk.” He also put a little sad face at the end.

“We have a concert tomorrow night here in London so let’s hope he has his voice back by then.”  Niall says worriedly.

“Well if he’s not better by tomorrow morning we’ll call a doctor.”  Zayn adds and Liam nods in approval.

Liam rips a page off his notepad, turns it over and starts to write something on the other side.  He holds it up and smiles at Aria.  It reads:  “Hello Aria!”  with a smiley face.

Aria smiles at him and greets him back.  “Well I’m going to go to my room and get changed since I’m wearing the same clothes as I wore yesterday.”  She grimaced as she looked down at her dress and then headed for the door.

Save You Tonight - A Niall Horan (One Direction) Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now