Chapter 5

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While they all went out to get stuff for the party, they had to wear hoodies to ensure that they wouldn’t get spotted by fans.   Louis had gotten a couple of people to come to their hotel room to party, a couple meaning…at least ten other people, good thing they had a big enough hotel room.  Aria didn’t know any of them but they were all friends of at least one of the boys.  Louis and Zayn were dancing, Harry was talking to some girls that some of the other guys brought over, Niall was off somewhere, probably getting snacks or a drink, Aria was sitting on the sofa with Liam, she had found out that Liam couldn’t drink because he had only one kidney but he didn’t seem to be bothered by it at all.  He was keeping a close eye on everyone probably making sure no one caused any trouble.

“Aria! Aria!”  Niall called out as he walked over to her and Liam, drink in hand.  “Do you want a drink?”

“Um…I’ve never drank alcohol.”  She looked at him innocently.

Niall shrugged.  “That’s okay!  You don’t have to but it won’t hurt you as long as you don’t drink too much, it just kinda helps you loosen up a bit!”

Liam started waving his hands at them.  Niall and Aria just looked at him blankly.

Niall waved him off with his hand.  “Oh lighten up Liam!  I will make sure she doesn’t drink too much if she does drink at all.”  He looked at her, waiting for an answer.  Liam pursed his lips at Niall’s response.

“Uh…sure, I guess I’ll have a drink.”  Aria replied, slightly nervous.  Niall’s face lit up as he rushed off to get her a drink.

Aria turned to Liam with a guilty smile.  Liam started writing something down on his notepad, when he showed it to her it read: “It’s okay to drink some just be careful especially if you’ve never drank before.”  Aria smiled at him and nodded.  Niall appeared and gave her a cup that had a pinkish liquid in it.

“I’m not sure what type you’d like but this is a fruity drink which most girls tend to like and it’s not the hard stuff so it should be okay for you to drink.  If you don’t like it I’ll get you another kind.”

Aria took a sip of it and her eyes widened.  “MMMMM, what is this?  It’s good!”  She took another sip.

Niall grinned.  “Vodka and cranberry.”

Liam held up his notepad to Niall, it read: “Niall, how much have you had to drink?”

“Only two cups, Liam…aka: MOM.”  Niall replied.  “Hey, I know you want to make sure everyone’s safe and all, but you can have a good time while doing that.  You don’t have to sit on the couch and be all bored.  Get up and dance!”  He walked over to Liam and grabbed his hand and dragged him over to Louis and Zayn, who were dancing the night away, Harry and some of the girls he was talking to were also dancing with them.

“HEYYYY LIAM!”  Louis shouted.


Liam just laughed and started dancing with them.  Niall looked over at Aria who was still sitting on the couch drinking out of her cup while smiling as she watched them.

“Hey Aria!  Aren’t you coming to dance with us?”  He asked, loud enough for her to hear him over the blasting music.

“Yeah, I’ll come up in a bit, just finishing this drink.”  Niall nodded as he saw her take another gulp of her drink to finish it off. 

She finished it quite fast.  And it tasted so good, she wanted more.  Aria went to stand up and felt slightly dizzy.  She steadied herself then headed over to the kitchen.  She saw a blonde-haired girl entering the hotel room as she walked by.  “Must be another one of the boys’ friends.”  She thought.  She shrugged it off and slowly walked over to where the boys had all the bottles and stuff set up.  She saw one that was the same colour as what she just had and it was labelled “Vodka and Cranberry”.  She poured herself another full cup of it and immediately started drinking it.  The blonde-haired girl that just entered the room came over and started pouring a glass of some other type of drink.  She turned to look at Aria, she smiled a sinister-like smile.  It made Aria uncomfortable but she smiled back anyway, grabbing her drink and stumbling a bit as she walked back over to the couch.  She saw Niall go back to get another drink, the blonde girl was no longer there.  She turned back to the other boys who were all dancing, including Liam.  It was nice to see them all having a good time.

“How you doin’ babe?”  The sound of Niall whispering in her ear made her jump a bit.  She giggled as he came around and sat beside her.

“I’m totally fine.”  She twirled her hair and smiled at him.  Then she started gulping down her drink some more.

Niall put his hand up to slowly bring the cup away from her.  “Whoa, slow down.  I saw you gulp down that first cup real quick, how much have you had?”

“This is my second one, no big deal.  I’m fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.”  She giggled and played with her hair again.

Niall thought she was adorable and he had a serious urge to just cuddle her, maybe even kiss her, but they hadn’t done that yet, he didn’t even know how she felt about him yet, he certainly didn’t want them to be drunk for their first time if they went that far.  “Well how are you feeling?  Any sensations or stuff like that?”

“Ummmm…”  She gave an expression that made it look like she was actually thinking hard.  “Well…I feel kinda light headed but it’s a cool feeling.”  She laughed and gulped more of her drink.

“Oh noooo…all gone!”  She pouted and put her head down.  Niall laughed.  Then her head flew back up an instant later.  “I can just go get more. YAY!”  She jumped up and then nearly fell over.  Niall caught her and held her hands out to steady her.  He stood right up against her in case she fell backwards.  She could feel his breath on her neck.

“Uh..I think you’ve had enough.  Anymore and you’ll be in Hangover Central tomorrow.”  He chuckled.

She turned to face him, putting her hands lightly on his chest and looked up at him.  “Pleaseeeeeee?  Everyone else has had more than two!”

He laughed.  “Yeah but we have all done this before so our bodies can handle a bit more before we hit the “totally smashed” stage.” 

She looked at him with pleading puppy dog eyes.  “Pleeeeeease?  I’ll deal with the consequences.  I promise.  Just one more.”

Niall sighed in defeat.  “Okay, ONE more.  But drink it a little slower, okay?”  Aria nodded.  He helped her sit down back on the couch and then went to get her another drink.

A few minutes later Niall returned and handed her another cup.  Just as she took it from him, Louis and Zayn came and grabbed them both and pulled them up with them.

“You couch potatoes need to learn to get up and dance!”  Said Louis.

Aria almost fell over once Louis let go of her hand, Niall caught her again.  “You can dance with me, I’ll make sure you don’t fall.”  He smiled at her.

They all danced together.  Niall held Aria’s hand as they danced, they didn’t slow dance though, just regular jumping around and singing along to the music.  Aria clearly couldn’t stand on her own though so Niall held her hand to steady her.

None of them noticed Harry leaving the room with the blonde girl that Aria saw earlier.

“So where’s your hotel room?”  Harry slurred his words as he spoke.

The girl smiled.  “Oh it’s not in this hotel but it’s not far from here.  I’ll lead the way.”

They started walking but then Harry started to feel dizzy and stopped.  He bent down a bit and put his hand on the wall to steady himself.  “Oh God…I don’t feel good all of a sudden.”

The girl turned around she was still smiling.  “Oh poor baby.  Must have been that drug I slipped in your drink.”

Harry looked up in shock.  “You what?”

The girl’s smile turned to a sneer.  “Oh Harry, didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?  Or even accept stuff from strangers?”  She laughed.

“You’re a…very bad girl…”  Harry slurred his words again and then collapsed onto the floor unconscious.

The girl laughed again.  “Yeah I’m bad…but bad girls have all the fun.”

Save You Tonight - A Niall Horan (One Direction) Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now