Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Harry’s POV

It felt like the ambulance took forever to come but it finally did.  They carefully lifted Aria and placed her on a stretcher and loaded her into the back of the ambulance.  They said she was still breathing so they didn’t need to do anything to revive her but they had to get her to the hospital as fast as they could.

Niall and I were in front of the other boys, I briefly looked at Niall from the corner of my eye, seeing how worried he was.  This must have been hard for him, regaining his memory only to find his girlfriend shot with her life hanging in the balance.

Another part of me was slightly angry though.  I had been here for Aria while he didn’t remember anything about her at all.  I was the one who comforted her when she was crying her eyes out because of him.

But then again, it wasn’t Niall’s fault he lost his memory.  It was my fault for letting myself get attached to Aria.  From the first time I saw her, there was something about her that just sparked something in me.  But she wasn’t mine.  I was the only one in the wrong here.

“Are any of you boys wanting to come stay with her in the ambulance?  Either one of you her boyfriend?”  One of the paramedics asked as he stood holding the door open for the back entrance.

“I’m her boyfriend.  I’m coming.”  Niall piped up.

He quickly jumped into the back of the ambulance and sat on a white built-in bench beside the stretcher Aria laid in.

I couldn’t help but wonder, why does he get to go?  I felt like I was a temporary replacement and now Niall was here to take his job back.

“We’ll meet you at the hospital okay, Niall?”  Louis told him.

Niall nodded and waved to us as the one paramedic hopped in by Aria’s other side and closed the doors.  The other paramedic was already in the front seat, starting up the engine.

“You coming, Harry?”

I turned to Zayn and blankly stared at him for a moment.  “Yeah.  Yeah I’m coming.”

He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked with Louis and Liam to the car.

Niall’s POV

The two paramedics were making small talk with each other as one drove and the other sat here in the back with me in case something happened with Aria.

I barely noticed them.  I was too focussed on Aria.  My eyes scanned her up and down, making sure her chest was moving before I shifted my eyes back up to her face.  She was so pale, more than her normal pale skin.  Her eyes looked like they had a dark shade around them.  Her lips were a blue-ish, purple colour. 

My chest constricted as I watched her.  I was terrified.  I didn’t know what to think other than, she’s dying and I’m losing her.

One of her hands lay on top of her chest; I had one of my hands resting on top of it, lightly clutching it as if that would keep her from slipping away from me completely.

I wanted to talk to her, apologize for EVERYTHING.  But what if she couldn’t hear me? 

I took a deep breath as I decided to try anyway.

“Aria,” I started.  “I-I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m going to talk anyway so if you can hear me, please listen closely.”

I paused to take another deep breath, mostly to push back tears starting to form in my eyes.

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