Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Aria’s POV

We arrived at the fair with a bunch of body guards considering it was a public place with many people.  The guards gave us space though, they stood just close enough to be able to interfere if something went down.

On our way here, Zayn had informed me that a few pictures of me and Niall had surfaced.  “Directioners” on Twitter were talking about me possibly being Niall’s girlfriend or if I was just a friend or some random girl or many other explanations.  I don’t have a Twitter but some of the boys have been trying to get me to sign up.  Eleanor and Danielle had said it’s a cool site to see celebrities’ tweets and get the latest updates on a lot of things but they warned me that if these so-called “Directioners” found out about me some would send me death threats and other mean messages.  As of right now, I’m not quite ready for that.


“OKAY!”  Eleanor shouted back.  They started to run, hand in hand, towards the bouncy castle.  They reminded me of hyper children.  But I thought that was a good thing, they keep things fun and interesting and keep their childhood alive.

Liam shook his head at them while smiling.

“Well onless you guys want to go on the bouncy castle too, what are we going to do?”  Zayn piped up.

 The rest of us looked around at the different games, booths, and rides contemplating which one to try first.

“PIE-EATING CONTEST!”  Niall shouted, pointing to a nearby sign advertising it.  We walked over to it to get a better look.  “Winner gets a gift card…to NANDOS!”

“Congratulations Aria, you’re about to see just how much Niall can eat.”  Zayn laughed.

“Let’s go!  It starts in ten minutes!”  Said Niall.  He was already rushing towards the area where the contest was going to be held, the rest of us trailing behind him.

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

“And the winner is….Niall Horan!”  Announced the person in charge of the contest.

We all cheered.  I was amazed at how much he was able to eat, he must have had at least seven or eight pies.  And he hardly puts on any weight, I wish I could do that.  I saw him go into the back with the man who declared him the winner.

“I’m going to go congratulate him.”  I said to the others.

“Okay, Danielle and I are going to go look around at the other booths.  Congratulate Niall for me please!”  Said Liam.

I smiled.  “Of course.”

 They walked away with linked hands leaving Zayn, Harry, and I.

“ZAYN! HARRY!  CAN WE HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPHS?!”  I heard a couple of girls shout as they rushed over to Zayn and Harry who were standing next to me.  They were excited but at least they didn’t seem as…hectic, as the boys informed me they could be.

“Sure, loves.”  Harry replied as he took a pen from one of the girls.  Zayn took a pen from another girl and began to sign his autograph for her.

“Well I’m gonna go see Niall, see you guys after?”

“Yeah.”  Zayn and Harry said together, giving me a quick wave before going back to signing autographs.

As I walked to where I saw Niall go I noticed a few security guards standing near Harry and Zayn just to ensure that they were safe.

“Aria!”  Niall called me over.  “Look!  I won a Nandos gift card!”  He held his gift card in his hands with a huge smile on his face like a kid in a candy shop.

Save You Tonight - A Niall Horan (One Direction) Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now