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When Corey turns to where the event happened he sees a flustered Brianna along with her friends

In Corey's mind all he could say was "I just can't win"

"C-C-C-C-C-Corey!?" exclaims a blushing Brianna

"Hehehehe hey Bri" says a nervously smiling Corey "What a surprise meeting you here"

"Y-Yeah it sure is" smiles Brianna

"Hi Brianna" smiles Lanes as she looks over to Brianna

"Hey Laney" says Brianna

Instead of causing an uproar Brianna calms herself down and sits down next to Corey as her friends sit down as well. Brianna then brings out her phone and starts to text. After she is doing texting she then puts her phone back in her pocket. Corey then feels his phone vibrates and sees that its a message from Bri.

The message reads:

"We are gonna have to talk after this"

Corey then looks at the blonde and sighs. The twins Serena and Mina look at each and shake their heads as they observe the situation.

"Hey sis" whispers Serena

"Yeah" says Mina

"Get ready to comfort Bri when we get to the burger joint" whispers Serena

"I'm already ready" nods Mina

The Dan then looks over to see whats going on.

"Who's your friend Corey?" asks Dan

"Oh this is my friend Bri" says Corey

"Oh ok" says Dan "Oh and just to let you know Lizzie and I are going McBurgers after this wanna join us?"

"Sure" says Corey

After discussing with Corey, Dan turns around to look at the row over him. He looks and sees Elise with Ikeem sitting down as they watch the movie. Ikeem tries to move only to be yanked by Elise. Dan shakes his head and sighs at what he sees. Then suddenly he sees Elise looking dead at him with a sly smile. Elise then waves at Dan. But then seconds later her happy glare turns into a cold and deadly one as she then motions her hand as if she was telling him to turn around. A now pretty much scared Dan then slightly nods his head and turns around and continues to look at the movie. As he does that we go to the where Elise and Ikeem are sitting where we see that Elise's has now reverted back from her cold stare.

"Hmm so you sent Dan to save you huh?" grins Elise

"No it was merely a coincidence" says a calm Ikeem

"Right, just when you said you weren't visiting a girl earlier this week" grins Elise

"Now hold up" says Ikeem "I never said that, all I said was no comment"

"Whatever" shrugs Elise "That still doesn't hide the fact you tried to have Dan save you"

"For the second time Elise, I didn't set this up" says Ikeem who then looks where Dan is sitting at and he spots Lizzie sitting next to him..

Ikeem then nudges Elise and points to the seat where Dan is and then also spots Dan's girlfriend.

"See told ya" says Ikeem

" you're right" pouts Elise

"Yeah and since I'm right can you loosen your grip on me?" asks Ikeem

"Absolutely not" smiles Elise as she immediately declined "If I did that you will try to escape and we can't be having that that"

Ikeem then sighs and then starts to think about what Sam is doing while he has to go through this.

Off To Sam Transition!

We are now in what seems somewhere downtown of Peaceville. We go to the top of a ten story building where we see Sam sitting on the edge of the building while smoking a joint.

"Damn….I got the munchies" says Sam who then starts to survey the area to look for a restaurant

He then sees a restaurant called McBurgers and it quickly got his attention. Sam then goes and his pocket and pulls out a stack full of twenties and smiles.

"Well looks like I ain't gonna be for too long" says Sam who then stands up

Sam then does a few ninja hand signs and vanishes. In a few moments we see him walking out a nearby alley and heading towards McBurgers. When Sam enters the burger joint he walks to the register to order. He sees that there is seems to be a girl in front so he waits behind her with his head down. When he hears the female's voice he senses that he has heard that voice before so he lifts up his head and sees that by the view of the back reminds him of a certain goth tomboy. Sooner than later her order came up and she got her tray and turned around where we see that its Celicia who is shocked to see Sam who with a wicked smile blurts out

"Long time no see bitch"

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