Thought I Lost You

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"Yeah but theres more" says Mina "She also has someone else shes in love with"

"And who would that be?" asks Corey

"You" says Mina

"Huh?!" exclaims Corey "Come on Mina thats crazy. She loves me but she isn't IN love with me"

"Looks like you're mistaken by what I said" says Mina

"Um whats to be mistaken when you say my sister Katrina is in love with me?" asks Corey

"What I mean to say is that her love for you is very strong" says Mina "I didn't mean that she is IN love with you but that she cares for really cares about your well being"

"Whooo ok that makes sense" says a relieved Corey "But how do you know that she loves me so much?"

"Well when we were younger she told me that when you two were still orphans she took it upon herself to be the mother figure" answers Mina "Katrina really justs wants the best for you is all"

"Yeah I know" smiles Corey

"But the thing is her love for you will hinder her from getting her together with Kon" says Mina

"How will it hinder her?" asks Corey

"If my hunch is correct she thinks that going out with Kon would stop her from caring for you and she doesn't want that" says Mina "Plus she could be thinking that if she does go out with Kon and she breaks up with him your relationship with Kon could take a big blow."

"Well what if I can convince her that everything will be the same even if she dates Kon?" suggests Corey

"Well I would say that it would highly unlikely for Katrina to agree with you" says Mina "Shes trying to keep up that facade she has with Nick so she would deny her love for Kon"

"Come Katrina isn't that stubborn" says Corey

"Look if its one thing that Trina and Katrina have in common it would be their determination to accomplish their goal" says Mina

"Well what if I can show her that she doesn't have to worry about me so much?" suggest Corey

"I say that you would be better off telling her that me and Nick are seeing each other" answers Mina

"Yeah you do have a point" agrees Corey who then tries to think of something

A few moments pass as Corey is thinking and suddenly Corey gets a idea.

"Hey Mina" says Corey

"Yeah?" asks Mina

"I know this could be risky but will you hear me out?" asks Corey

"Yeah I'm willing to hear anything" replies Mina

"Well how about we have Nick dump Katrina?" asks Corey "Now before you say I'm crazy hear me out. Two things would happen. 1. Kon would get the chance to confess his feelings to Katrina and she will accept it or will be back and will be in a fit of rage"

"Yeah and you forgot one thing Corey" says Mina

"Yeah and whats that?" asks Corey

"After Trina comes back she will rip me limb from limb" says Mina

"Yeah...that too" says Corey "So what you got to suggest?"

"I'm still thinking but I'll let you know" says Mina "For now just keep it cool and I'll keep in contact with you kay"

"Ok" replies "Oh and by the way how are you Nick?"

"We've been good so far" sighs Mina

"Then why the sigh?" asks Corey

"Well its because Nick has been… ahem… trying to take things to the "next" level blushes Mina

"Oh" says nonchalant Corey

"You really didn't get what I just said did ya?" asks Mina

"Not really" smiles Corey "All I know you said was that Nick is trying to take things to the next….Oooh now I get it"

Mina shakes her head and then says "Yeah but anyways lets head back to the others and talk about this later"

"Ok" replies Corey

With that Corey and Mina head back inside the cafeteria. Where they see that a Angelique is now at the table.

"Hey guys were back" says Mina who then sees Angelique and says "Hey there my name is Mina"

"Angelique and its a pleasure to meet you" smiles Angelique

"So what did we miss?" asks Corey as he sits back next to Laney

"Nothing much me and Laney was talking about this new girl in our class" says Celicia

"Yeah which is pretty damn boring" growls Toni

"Chill Toni" says Brady

"Good I don't want you to enjoy it then" smiles Celicia "Anyways she's making quite the buzz around school already"

"Oh what's the buzz about?" asks Dominic

"Well apparently she has a history with Angelique's little brother" says Laney

At that moment Angelique's face was quite shock from Laney's statement

"Really?" asks Angelique "Can you describe her for me?"

"Well for starters she's a skater girl" says Celicia

"Yeah and a musician by the looks of it" adds Laney " Since she has that guitar case behind her back" adds Laney

"Wait a minute" says Angelique "Does she have long blue hair?"

"Yeah" answers Celicia

"Does she wear a shirt that says "Three Day Grace" on it?" asks Angelique

"Yeah she actually does" says Laney

"And….is...her name…..Mare?" asks Angelique

"Um...yeah" says a slightly surprised Celicia and Laney

"By any chance do you know this girl?" asks Laney

"Yep… we know each other pretty good" sighs Angelique "But…. not like how she knows my little brother"

As that is going on we head back to the Assassin Duo's chillin spot where we see Ikeem still laying down on the ground and Mare standing in front of him smiling.

"Hello" says a calm Ikeem "Thought I lost you"

"So you thought you could run away from me?" asks a smiling Mare

"Well actually….yeah I did" says Ikeem looking up to Mare

"Well you should know that you got to try a hell of a lot harder to get rid of me" smiles Mare

"Yeah you're right" chuckles Ikeem "So what do you want?"

"You know what I'm here for" says Mare who then sits down next to Ikeem

"Tantalizing conversation?" asks Ikeem

"Don't play games with me" says a serious Mare who then smiles "I've come here for that but also I got a question that still needs to be answered"

"And what would that be?" asks Ikeem

"You know exactly what I mean" says Mare

"I had some serious stuff to do and I had to leave immediately" asks Ikeem

"Hmm its kind of hard to believe that when you won't even tell me what happened" retorts Mare "Back in Harmony middle we were so close. We always talked together, laughed together, fought together, cried together, pranked together, Shit...we even… almost slept together. But then all of a sudden you just up and left without a trace"

"Look Mare I didn't mean for it to happen like that" says Ikeem

"Oh really?" asks Mare

"Yes really" says Ikeem

"Then why the day before you vanish did you break up with me?"

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