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"Then why the day before you vanish you broke up with me?" says Mare

After Mare asks Ikeem that question he sits there quiet and utters not a word. Moments pass of the awkward silence and Mare then gets up from the grass .

"As it looks like cats got ya tongue I'll just drop it for now" says Mare "But later on today if you wanna tell me I'll be at our old chill spot at the skate park downtown. Oh and bring your skateboard too"

With that Mare walks off. Ikeem then pulls down his hoodie and rubs his hand on his forehead.

"Damn" says a frustrated Ikeem

While Ikeem gets frustrated we head back to the lunchroom where we see Brianna and her crew sitting down at a table not to far from Corey and the gang. The twins Mina and Serena are cracking jokes while Amy, Olivia, and Brianna are talking.

"So girls first things first" says Amy "Whats going on with Operation: Get Bri a date with Corey going?"

"Well he said he would be busy this weekend" pouts Brianna who then smiles "But he said next weekend is good though"

"Well thats better than him saying no" grins Amy

"Thats a hell of a lot better" says Olivia "Since I got these"

Olivia reaches in her pockets to get something and after a few seconds of rummaging she brings out what looks like 7 movie tickets.

"Tada!" smiles Olivia "7 movie tickets to the see that new Dallas Powers[1] movie"

"OMG how did you get those?" asks Amy "I heard most of those are sold out"

"My big sis Cheyann snagged em for me" grins Olivia

"Your big sis is awesome" says Mina

"Yeah those lyrics she wrote for us were great" smiles Serena

"I know" says Olivia

"So which movie theater are we going to?" asks Brianna

"Peaceville Cinema" answers Olivia

"Quick question" says Mina "Is Destiny coming?"

"Of course" says Olivia "Thats why I got 7 tickets"

"Yeah I wouldn't be the same without our comedian" says Serena

"True" smiles Brianna who then looks out to the Grojband table and she steals a glance of Corey…..and Kin.

While that's happening we go into the hallway where we see Pocky-Chan walking by herself reading a doujinshi book. As she is walking she accidently bumps into someone.

"Oh sorry aru" apologizes Pocky-Chan

Pocky-Chan looks to see who the person is and sees that its Brandon from her first period class.

"Its no big deal" smiles Brandon "To be honest I wasn't looking where I was going"

"Well thing since thats all settled, I'll get going aru" says Pocky-Chan who then starts to walk away

"Hey wait a minute" quickly says Brandon

"Yeah aru?" asks Pocky-Chan

"You wanna hang out sometimes?" asks Brandon

"Sure aru" says Pocky-Chan "When aru?"

"How bout now?" asks a smiling Brandon

"Ok then aru" says Pocky-Chan who then walks over to Brandon "So what do ya wanna do aru?"

Between Me & You A Grojband FanficWhere stories live. Discover now