Come Again?!

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"Hey you guys" says the couple smiling

The gang gulps and says "Hey Mina...Hey Nick Mallory"

"How you guys doing?" smiling Mina

"Um….good?" says Corey and the gang who then looks at their wrists like they're wearing watches and says "Well look at the time"

"Wait a minute" says Nick "Nick Mallory and Mina need to talk with you guys"

"Sorry but we gotta go-" says Corey who trying to make a excuse

Mina goes to Corey and puts her hands on his shoulders then says "It can wait! What we have to tell you guys is important"

"Come on guys how bad could it be" says Laney

The guys look at each other and sigh when they say "Alright"

Nick and Mina takes the crew over to table near a food vendor and sit down

"Sooo what you guys gotta tell us other than you two dating" says Laney

"Well…well… the thing is…" says a nervous Mina fidgeting quite a bit

"Ohhh so you mean you guys are that?" asks Laney who reads Mina's body language

Mina shakes her head to agree with Laney

"What are you talking about Lanes?" asks the guys who are clueless

"Nick Mallory and Mina aren't exactly dating" says Nick Mallory who cuts in

"So whats wrong with that exactly?" asks Corey and the guys

Mina, Nick, and Lanes facepalms themselves

"It means that their friends with benefits" says Laney explaining it to Core and the twins

"Ohhh!" says the guys finally getting it

"Yep thats whats going on" says Mina slightly embarrassed

"But I still don't know whats so important you had to tell us about" says Corey

"Yeah Core does have a point" says Laney "We could've heard that another time"

"Huh?" says Mina "Didn't Trina tell you she's now dating Nick Mallory?"

"COME AGAIN?!" asks all the members of Grojband as their jaws drops

"Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa I didn't hear none of this from Trina" says Corey

"Wait you know we didn't hear a peep out of Trina when we was at the Garage yesterday" says Kin

"Yeah she would usually treat us like shit when we're in the garage" says Kon

"Oh so she must still be in a state of shock then" says Nick Mallory

"Well that would explain it" says Corey who then looks at Nick Mallory with slight anger in his eyes when he says "Then that means you are two timing"

"It's not what you think guys" says Mina cutting in "He's only going out with Trina because if she found out that me and Nick Mallory was seeing me I'll be dead meat"

"Yeah but wouldn't it be even worse if she found out you was messing around with him when he is "dating" her?" says Kon "I mean come on now"

Everyone looks at Kon with surprised looks on their face when he actually said something that made sense.

"What?!" asks Kon looking at everyone

"Wow you actually made sense Kon" says a very shocked Mina

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