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Mare pondered the thought and then she thought of something

"Wait a minute!" smiles Mare

Off To Hastur Transition!

We head back to the tree where Dan and Ikeem were chillin at last time and we see Ikeem on the grass sitting against the tree. He seems to be sleeping and dreaming so we go inside his head to see whats up. We see Ikeem waking up in a red bed that is all too familiar and as he rises up and looks to his left where he sees the succubus known as Isabelle laying down right next to him and she is smiling.

"Hey there nice for you to drop by" smiles Isabelle who then gets on top of Ikeem and gives him a devilish smile as she caresses his face "Did you finally come to your senses and wanna have some fun?"

"Look Isabelle I-"

Ikeem would not be able to utter another word with Isabelle putting her index finger on his lips

"Mmm mmm mmm" smiles Isabelle "Less talking more fun"

Ikeem pushes Isabelle off him and she lands near the edge of the bed

"Look here Isabelle the answer is still no!" says Ikeem

"Aww come on!" pouts Isabelle "Don't be like that I'm just trying to have some fun"

"Well I'm not here to have fun" replies Ikeem "You know why I'm here"

"Yep I sure do" smiles Isabelle "You wanna know what happened when I took over you body"

"Well since you know why I'm here can you tell me?" asks Ikeem

"Ok I'll make this quick and simple I made quick work of the guards thanks to Dan and after that found the girl with the leader of the Kamikaze posing as a simple maid. We retrieved the girl who thought I was her mother but before leaving I went back and made the leader our comrade. Also guess what that little girl is the daughter of that woman we saved from Sam back then"

"You're kidding right?" asks Ikeem

"Nope and I humbly treated her as she was my own" smiles Isabelle "Also I need to go see the woman at the hospital"

"Why?" asks Ikeem

"Because I wanna help her" says Isabelle

Ikeem sighs and then says "Ok we'll go see her later this weekend ok?"

"Ok" smiles Angelique "Also after we completed the mission Dan and I talked on the way back and I told him about our connection with the wife of Daddy Kain"

"Did you tell him about Sam's background?" asks a nervous Ikeem

"Yeah but I told him that you made him half demon" says Isabelle "Theres no way I could tell him that Sam is a born descendant from the Van Ghoul clan. Not even Sam knows that. So I couldn't let Dan know before him"

At that moment Ikeem senses a presence coming towards his sleeping body

"Hey Isabelle we'll have to talk later" says Ikeem

"Why?!" whines Isabelle "You just got here and I'll be bored!"

"Someones coming" says Ikeem

As soon as Ikeem says that he wakes up and the first thing he sees is Mare standing over him and smiling

"Found ya" smiles Mare

As that was happening we go back to the lunchroom where we see the gang are at their table eating and chatting with Brady and Toni back who doesn't seem all too pleased

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