Chapter Seven

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Zeizei spent most of the morning working in the kitchen, cleaning dishes and prepping drinks for the guests as they came flooding in. Once in a while, she'd stare at the folded map between her fingers before she would shake her head and continue her work. Zeizei would also cast glances over to Amelia who was feeding her little boy, thinking about her offer, before sighing and returning to her work.

Zeizei had been alone for as long as she could remember, she never relied on anyone for support. She suddenly winced as her abdomen throbbed in pain, she sighed and shook her head. Yet another reminder of what happens when she lets her guard down.

She placed her hand on her bandaged middle, "I had that one a-comin'." she mumbled before she tucked her map away and resumed cleaning mugs.

Morph floated over to her and chirped, as he settled on her shoulder. Zeizei looked over at him, "Ah, hey, Morph." she greeted as she tickled the pink blob, making him giggle.

Morph then took on the form of a mini Zeizei and flew around her head, "Hey, Morph! Hey Morph!" He chirped before landing on her nose and grinning.

Zeizei rolled her eyes and shooed him off before she went back to work. Her sensitive ears then perked up upon hearing the door swing open, and the bustle outside went deathly quiet. Confused, Zeizei leaned over the counter and craned her neck to. get a better look. She first herd a distinct thud of a boot on wood, before an odd, metallic off-step.

That's when she saw him.

A bulky figure, worn and torn from years in space no doubt, his arms—visible due to the fact that he wore merely a sleeveless shirt—were all torn up by scars. Zeizei looked him up and down skeptically, before she looked to Jim,

"I got a bad feelin' bout this one, Boy." she said softly, as the man sat at the bar. He had a saber cut over his left eye, and a matted red beard with a mop of red hair. He was human, well . . . human enough. Zeizei looked him up and down as she spoke,

"How can I help ye, sir?" she asked.

"I'll take an' ale." He growled.

Zeizei nodded and began to get him the drink he ordered. The man gazed up at Zeizei's wings and was fixated on the ruby, shimmering membranes.

"Never seen wings like that." he said, his voice gruff.

Zeizei didn't respond as she slid him his drink, before going on about her work. She felt his stare on her back, and . . . Zeizei didn't really mind, she was an older girl. Zeizei was . . . just pass the sexy young vixen, if she were looking for love--which she wasn't--she wasn't interested in a "Quick fling". Zeizei's gaze fell, before she sighed heavily. If that time came, she was looking for a relationship that lasts.

Zeizei then sighed, hearing the man purr behind her. She looked over her shoulder, "What do ye want, lad?" she asked as she turned to him.

"Ye are a fine lassie," He grinned, taking a swig of his ale, "how's about you and me go for some fun?" he asked.

Zeizei arched a brow as she turned to him, "That be quite the bold statement, good sir." she sneered, revealing a set of canine like fangs.

The buff, unsavory character growled and scoffed, "A lady shouldn't sully her mouth with such a tone." he jabbed a finger to Zeizei.

Zeizei looked him up and down, before shaking her head and going back into the kitchen to resume her work. She then looked out the window, and her gaze went soft as her long ears drooped back. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear, before she leaned up against the counter and hung her head.

It was afternoon, and the scruffy, red-haired brute was still at the bar, drinking away. Zeizei sighed, as he held up his mug and demanded another round of ale, quite loudly actually. Zeizei walked over to him and held the mug and took it away,

"I think ye' 'ave had enough, my old son." She said sternly, her accent thick and harsh.

"Ye don't tell me what to do, ya bimbo!" he shouted back, obviously intoxicated, he reached out with his burly hand and grabbed her white blouse, "An' I got somethin' that'll shut ye up good!"

Jim looked over and elbowed his mother who noticed this and gasped, "Oh, sir, please let her go." she said.

"Shut yer yap, bitch-GAH!" He yelled as he went crashing to the floor.

Zeizei had socked him the mouth, and she vaulted over the counter with ease, her wings glistening, making all the guests gasp. She landed over the man, and bared her teeth,

"Now, you listen to me, ye' good-fer-nothin' lout!" She yelled, grabbing him by the collar and lifting. him up, showing off impressive physical strength.

"Oh, my." Delbert gasped, as he covered his children's eyes, hiding them from the no-doubt conflict that would ensue.

Zeizei snarled as she began to drag him to the door, "Ye can abuse me, an' pull on me blouse but if ye ever mistreat tha' lass again so help me," she kicked the door open, "I be tossin' ye o'er the side an' be breakin' yer back in five places!" she tossed him out into the dirt before slamming the door shut.

Jim stared with wide eyes and an open mouth as Morph chirped,"Wow, wow, wow!" he babbled.

Zeizei gave a low growl, before going back to work.

As the evening came to a close, Amelia and Delbert said their good byes and Zeizei was offered to give her final answer tomorrow when the family would stop by again Zeizei agreed, before she watched the family go.

Zeizei finished up, and was about to head up to bed when Sarah grabbed her arm, "Zeizei, thank you." she said, with a smile.

Zeizei gave her a smile, "Of course, ma'am." she said as she walked up the stairs to go to bed for the evening.

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