Chapter Twenty-two

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Third Person's POV~

The silence in the room was agonizing and Zeizei wanted to just run away. Screw this voyage, screw the dreams. Just run, and hide and let the universe pass her by as she turned to dust and would be forgotten about. She stood near the window, her legs shaking as she curled her hands into fists. Amelia stared at her, "You . . . Killed a pirate warlord's son?" She hissed.

"I didn't want to but he left me no choice. He was gonna take me wings, an' kill innocent folks." She said in a stern voice, though she felt like she was going to break. She took a step back and chewed her bottom lip as she turned and walked to the window again, "I spent most o' me childhood bein' manipulated by bad people. .." she looked at the stars as the ship slowly bobbed at the space dock, "I thought it ended when I killed Guerrilla, but . . . Somehow, his pops found me. . ."

"And wants revenge." Jim said as he came up beside her.

"And, probably wants me map too." Zeizei rested the palms of her hands on the rim of the window, and her head dipped low between her shoulder blades. Jim watched her, seeing that her age was very visible in that moment. Jim could see her spine poking through the fabric of her tunic, the weathered skin on her wings as her long pointed ears pushed back. Jim felt his heart drop. He walked up to her, and placed his hand on her shoulder, feeling bone beneath skin, with roping muscle throughout. He then gently pulled, coaxing Zeizei to look at him. Zeizei looked down at the boy, her blue eyes set in darkened eye sockets, her wrinkles creasing her face.

Jim then moved in and hugged her tightly, digging his fingers into the fabric of her tunic. Zeizei gasped quietly, staring down at Jim with widened eyes, "Lad . . ."

Jim hugged her tighter and spoke into the worn fabric of her shirt, "It wasn't your fault."

Zeizei gaze a soft sigh, as her voice faltered and she choked back a small sob. She then hugged the boy back, spreading her mighty wings and wrapping them around Jim, encasing him in a cocoon of warmth. Zeizei pressed her nose into Jim's hair as she spoke, her voice muffled, "Thank you."

The two pulled away and Zeizei adjusted herself, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes before fixing her scarlet hair, she gave a defiant huff before she turned to the others, "I understand if ya want me ta leave." She said, "I don't wish ta bring my problems ta ya. Ye all sacrificed so much fer me as it is."

Ameila scoffed, "If you think we will be deterred by some ruffian, my dear you are sorely mistaken!" She smiled proudly, folding her hands behind her back, "Regardless, I am not overly fond of the fact that you kept it from us."

Zeizei's shoulders slumped a little, before Amelia continued, "Regardless, none of us are unfamiliar with . . . Painful childhoods, or terrible moments in life, and I think we can all agree that those are hard to tal about." She approached Zeizei and rested her slender hand on her arm, and spoke softly, "We started this journey together, and we will damn well finish it." Her pointed ears flicked forward, smiling.

Zeizei nodded as she rubbed her neck, before she laughed gently as Morph nuzzled up to her and licked her cheeks. Zeizei laughed weakly, "Thank ye, Morph." She playfully tickled the pink blob, making it giggle.

Amelia directed them to take the day to decompress and regroup. They needed to have the time to make a plan to find more information about the map and what is beyond the Vuilian Asteroid Belt. Zeizei was sitting on the rail of the ship, watching the people move about. The Etherium was quite, with a warm solar current tousling her hair. Zeizei moved some hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. The atmosphere was darkening as a night cycle set in.

Zeizei rubbed her neck as she closed her eyes, just letting the solar wind caress her body. Her wings quivered and stretched against the current. Her long ear then suddenly quivered as she heard a familiar set of footfalls approaching.

"Hello, John." Zeizei spoke, not bothering to turn around. She knew it was him, she recognized the uneven footfalls of leather boot and metal peg leg.

"Lass" Silver greeted.

Zeizei then turned to him, seeing Silver approach her, his hands in his pockets. John smiled up at her as he came up beside her, folding his powerful arms over the rail as he too watched the trading post. He adjusted his hat on his head, the gears clocking and whirring in his head, powering his glowing orange eye.

Zeizei looked down at him from the corner of her eye. Taking a beat, she chewed her lower lip, thinking for a moment. Zeizei then audibly sighed and spoke in a surprisingly tender tone, "I'm sorry I wasn't honest about me past, John."

Silver looked over at her and offered a small smile, "Lass, ye can't blame yerself fer the works o' others." He reached over and rested his meaty palm on her own, "But, I am glad ye told us."

Zeizei looked down at him, then snorted and looked up at the stars in the sky with a small smile, "It does feel good to get it off me chest." She took her other hand and pressed it over her heart, sighing deeply.

Silver stared at her, taken away by her in this moment. His expression slowly went slack as he was graced by what sat before him. The soft blue and purple glow of the Etherium illuminating Zeizei's crimson hair. The half-shaven style gave her sharp features; with her long ears, pointed nose and slender cheeks. And those wings, oh, mercy those wings. Broad and strong. The ruby coloration glittered with thousands of different shades of red and burgundy. Silver's shoulders slumped as he took a step back, eyes wide in awe. He held onto the rail of the ship with his real hand, one hand reaching up and clutching over his heart with his mechanical one, "Mercy . . . "

Zeizei blinked, her sensitive ears twitching as she picked up his words. She looked over at him, the scar over her eye shifting as her brows rose, "John, you alright?" She asked softly, her head cocking to the side, her blue eyes reflecting the light of the Etherium.

"Uhm," he cleared his throat and rubbed his thick neck, then looked away, taking a beat to think about what to say next, before he spoke, "Yes, yes." He chuckled faintly, before he rubbed his chin and chewed his bottom lip, "Just, uh . . . Takin' a moment, appreciating the beauty right in front o' dis here ol' cyborg."

Zeizei's expression went slack, as her long ears slowly drooped, before her mouth quirked up into a smile and she giggled, covering her mouth with a hand as she looked away.

John saw the blush cross her face, all the way to the tips of her ears. Oh it was adorable. Silver chuckled as he moved closer, and rested his hand on hers. Zeizei adjusted her position on the rail, so instead of sitting on it she stood on the deck and moved closer to him, her eyes soft, "If I knew better, I'd say ya be flirtin' wit me Mr. Silver." She gently bumped her shoulder to his.

Silver laughed and looked down at her, "Maybe I am, Lass." He gently held her hand in his. He brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, humming softly.

Zeizei went bright red in the face, before she smiled sheepishly as John pulled away and looked up at her, "Correction, I am certainly flirtin' with ye."

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