The game

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Martha's POV
Me and the girls swagger into the school gym hall at 6:30. I throw myself down on a seat. I'm so excited! I look over to see Kelsi panicking and Taylor sitting emotionless on her seat. Weird.
"I have lost everything." Taylor says blankly.
"Martha,this plan isn't going to work unless Ryan picks Kelsi up! I can't believe we forgot! Drive her home and I'll calm Taylor down."
Kelsi and I get into the van and I drop her off. I drive back to the school but there are no parking spaces so I park three cars over. Perfect.
I hop back into the gym and see Ryan leading Kelsi in by the hand.
Then the game starts. I watch as he bounds across the pitch. My caramel skinned angel, Zeke. His creme brûlée is just too on point for me to deal with. I'm a fat girl and this momma gotta get her desserts. Mmmhhhh.
Kelsi's POV.
I can't believe I forgot. I jump into the van and drive back to mine. Ryan apears at the door seconds later - god he's so punctual. What a turn on. We get into his limo and we are dropped off at the door to the gym. He leads me in and we sit down in the priority seating area. I watch everyone playing the game. It's pretty dull. I watch Ryan, his ears, his perfectly formed girl mouth. All so 'kissinspiring' to me. I lean over and try to kiss him but he bursts into tears and heads to the toilet. How weird. I re-focus on the game and my plan. Tonight is turning out to be fabulous.
Sharpay's POV
I hang out in the locker rooms before the game and then I wait until he comes into his own.
"TAAAARRROOOOOOYYYYYYYY!!!" I yelp, causing him to jump back several feet.
"The game's in half an hour, Sharpay. I thought I told you and your crazy-ass brother not to come." He says in a mad tone of voice but I know my Troyie-poo could never be mad at me.
"Exactly, Troy. The game is in half an hour. I was thinking we could maybe...warm up first" I say seductively with a cheeky wink. I peel off my pink fluffy dressing gown to reaveal a bright pink bikini.
"Sharpay, get the hell out!!" He screams. I see the guards and run. I run for miles. I run until I reach the stands and I sit down in my bikini to watch the game.
Troy's POV
That Sharpay is SUCH A CREEP! I go out onto the pitch and score my goals. I notice her watching me, but with so many fans I put it to the back of my mind and keep on bouncing my balls. Up and down, up and down, up and down, through the net and a-SCOREEEEEE!!!! I look up. The West High Knights are winning by one point. I have sixteen minutes left to be number one. I concentrate and Zeke falls over - he's injured. We have to put in Rocketman. Seriously. FML. I don't know if I can do it. I see her in the audience. Everything goes silent and a single spot light shines on her.
"TROYYYYYY!!!" She yells. And now I can hardly breathe. "You can do it, just know that I believe." Gabriella continues.
"THATS ALL I REALLY NEED!!" I yell back.
"Oh come on!" She encourages."
"Make me strong! It's time to turn it up, game ONNNNN!!!!!" I scream.
I keep my head in the game and effortlessly score another 89 goals. One per second. My math isn't great. WE WIN!!!! This party is going to be great.

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