Crimes Against Humanity

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Okay Lads, I'm sorry to say I think this is going to have to be the last chapter of an amazing story hat has sadly reached an end. I hope you've all enjoyed the banter and the emotional roller coaster we've been through together. I feel ya bro. I might write more chapters or another story about Sharpay's new lifestyle choice or the HSM squad in prison. I'll see how I feel in the upcoming months.

Ryan's POV

"Hands up please delinquents, you're all under arrest." Yelled the officer. "Apart from you Blondie, you're free to go."

"What the fuck, we haven't even done anything!" Kelsey yelled, hot as usual.

"That's what you think hoebag, you've all committed serious crimes."

"Don't call my little Kelsey pops a tramp, she's a little golden shoe box! How dare you even suggest that we have sinned! My father, a successful lawyer and owner of the firm Evans2Chemweb will be hearing about this!" I protest.

"Ah, that's what you think. Both your parents were arrested today from money laundering. Now HANDS UP MOTHERF*CKERS!"

Everyone put their hands up, except the people who were tied up, because they couldn't.

So, all of us were bundled into the vans and driven to the police station.

"Why am I actually under arrest right now?" I asked the officer in my isolation room, my green hat looking sad and worn under the bright lights.

"You, my little runner bean, are under arrest for being to snappy a dressed. You could cut someone." He warned me.

"Ah, seems legit." I smiled. It was really the ultimate compliment. I panicked about not seeing my Kelsey Boo again, then I realised I didn't care. I didn't love her, all I wanted was Sharpay. My twin sister and true love. We're like Jaime and Cersei Lannister, and Kesley is our tiny brother Tyrion. Or Mike Brewer and Edd China from wheeler dealers. A dynamic duo of incest. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sharpay's POV

So, being the only member of the squad to walk free was truly freeing.

I went to all the court hearings and listened as my parents were charged with fraudulence and sentenced to 20 years without parole.

I watched as my brother was given 7 years for his snappy dressing.

Kesley was given 5 years for a breach of the peace due to her crappy compositions.
Zeke was arrested for giving everyone food poisoning, and given 10 years.

Martha was sent to a fat camp and wasn't allowed out until her booty was back in order and see was off the cheesecake.

Jason was sent in for being a fuckboy, and being called Jason, which merited a hefty 13 years and he had to change his name to Timothy.

Chad and Taylor were arrested for underage sex, but we all know it's because their hair was too curly. This gave them a sentence of 3 years each, but Tayloe turned out to be knocked up and gave birth to triplets named Sure, Chamille and Leon in prison, who all served sixteen years due to being illegal offspring.

Finally, Gabriella was deemed an illegal immigrant and shipped back to Alaska since it's basically not even part of America.

My gorgeous baby Troy was given a life sentence for being too sexy for the world due to a number of heart attacks he caused in pre-teen girls.

Since my parents lost their estate and money, I had to take a cardboard box, which wasn't even Givenchi by the way, and go live on the street corner with Boi. Shortly afterwards, I discovered my calling in stripping for dogs, which I know do every Thursday night for money to buy crack. I'm also pregnant with the first of my ten planned children, and although I have chlamydia I'm praying for money to buy a cure. I recently laid my first egg and a baby hatched out of it, but sadly she was carried off by a fox and eaten. I called her Caitlin.

Essentially this is my life now, and although I never thought it would come to this it has, I just have accept it. I'm running off to join a hippie commune soon in the south of Nebraska, and apparently there will be a lot of medicinal marijuana. I can't wait.
I do often go back in my mind to the party, back when my life was a high school musical with perfect songs and choreographed dances. However, nothing lasts forever, and you can go to stuck up cow and most popular head bitch in charge of the school to a hobo on the side of the street in seconds. Although I had nothing to do with the events of that night, I certainly was a night to remember. Now I can only pray my scholarship to NYU is accepted so I can get the hell out of this box and back into something with a brand name.

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