Le Sassy Showdown

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Sorry this is a shorter chapter, I've been trying to write it since July, and I can't be bothered doing my chemistry homework, let alone writing. Ugh. Thanks for reading my badly written story with multiple plot holes I'll need to try and fix but can't be bothered with yet. Enjoy!

Kelsey's POV

So, I know you're all probably shocked by what I'm doing. Taking a guy back to his room to stay the night. Is that really me? 
Short answer.
But that's not what I'm doing tonight, oh no.

Have you forgotten about the plan?

Yes, I am that intelligent.

We drive into the vast Evan's estate. The night is silent, and the sky is dark, the stars twinkle above like diamonds.
Tonight would be the perfect night. Ryan's hair blows gently in the breeze, as he drives up the long, well, drive, into his estate, glancing around.

"Hey, Ryan?" I ask innocently. "What's all those big flashing lights over there?"

He surveys the area I've just brought to his attention. 

"I don't know Kelse, we should probably go take a look in case it's those mad axe murders back to kill mummy and daddy." He smiles gently at me, before noticing the faked panic in my eyes.

"Oh, don't worry sweetie." He reassures me. "It's only happened four times so far." He pauses, thinking. "So we really should go look."

He drives his little Chevrolet across the field of lush, green, professionally gardened grass, off roading, like someone from top gear (except not Jeremy Clarkston of course, after the scandal. Damn him and his casual racism and temper. At least Richard Hammond isn't stirring up any controversy, he was always my favourite. James May is pretty sound too.)

However, shockingly, we have not come across crazy murderers, with a lust for the blood of Evan's.

No, it's...

"Sharpay's van. What's that going here?" Ryan asks, nervously. "I hope she's not having another mental breakdown."

"I don't know Ry-Ry. We should probably check." I'm so innocent he won't suspect a thing.

He pushes open the car door, getting out himself before walking around to help me out. What a gentlemen. 

We trod up cautiously to the van, hearing the soft murmur of voices.

It sounds like one is Sharpay, meaning our plan is going perfectly.

I nudge Ryan. "On you go baby." He pushes open the door gently, and I watch him as he takes in the scene.


"Have you kidnapped the basketball team?" I ask, innocently.

Sharpay looks gob-smacked.

"I know just as much about this as you two do!" She quips.

"I don't think it's her guys." Troy stammers from the floor.

"I don't think so." I tell her. "They're in your van, after all."

"Shut up Kelsey!" She shrieks.



"No. I said no. For once in my life stop telling me to shut up and treating me like a I'm your little bitch dog. I'm human too, you absolute, pink, fluffy slut."

"Oh yeah!" Sharpay yells at me. "Well, at least I don't look like I've slept in a bush. You dress like a lesbian tramp."

"Well you have no respect for anyone or anything but yourself. You're selfish, and you'll do anything to get your own way. Even if it's a crime, eg kidnap."

"You know something Kelsey? Your compositions? They aren't even good."

"Well, everything you own looks like a vagina, including you and your dog."

"I'd rather look remotely feminine rather than a transvestite crack whore."

"Is it weird I'm turned on right now?" Troy questions from the floor.

"That's it! I'm sick of you! I'm calling the police!"

I pick up my phone, and dial 911.
"Hello, officer? I'm on the Evan's estate. I think we have a possible kidnap. If you could be here straight away, thank you."

I hear the police sirens straight away.
"Oh, that was fast Ryan, did you call the police already?" I question.

"No." He says.

"Troy?" I ask.

He shakes his head like a sad dog.

"Well.. Who did then?"


We stand in the van, looking at each other in panic. Before long the sirens are beside us, and the screeching of wheels can be heard all around.

There's a banging on the door, and three (fit) police officers step in, followed by Taylor, Gabriella and Martha.

What the hell.

"What the f*ck is going on!" Ryan's cries. "What are you guys going here? Why are the wildcats in a van? Why is it Sharpay's van? Why can't I just sleep with my beloved girlfriend?"

"I think those are some questions you already know the answer to, you flamboyant penguin. You're all under arrest, hands up please."

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