Getcha Head in da Game, Bro.

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Troy's P.O.V

I fake right, break left and score !

Today has been such a weird day, what with that new girl Gabriella who I coincidentally sang karaoke with on holiday at New Year. Now she's joined my school, out of all the schools in the world. This never happens, only in movies, which is what my life is sort of like. My hair is always perfect and everything always has a happy ending, as well as having perfectly choreographed songs and dances to match. It all just sort of happens. Playing basketball helps me keep my precious mind off all of my troubles, like how many girls I kissed last night, and if mummy and daddy will still be able to afford to get me my ninth Ferrari.

I try to keep my head in the game but after eighteen girls asking me out, five fainting when I walked past, and three marriage proposals, today's been quiet. Maybe I'm loosing my touch with the ladies... I don't know, I hope not. It's not easy being this effortlessly good looking and amazingly charming, it has it's price, believe me. I can't go out anywhere without a crowd of fangirls screaming my name, and my pictures being taken, my body guards (aka the Rocketman and Zeke, or the 'strange creme brûlée kid')

work so hard. I glance out the window now and see screaming teenage girls with their noses pressed against the glass staring in at me, while Zeke and the Rocketman attempt to usher them away. I notice Ryan Evans watching me from the side lines. Weirdo !


Ryan's P.O.V

I watch Troy effortlessly glide around the gym hall, that perfect hair staying its perfect self, his ice blue eyes concentrating on the basketball. His tongue halfway out of his mouth. He is perfect. Oh stop it Ryan, you're not gay you silly old goose ! And neither is he ! You like Sharpay, even if she is your sister. Incest really is best. Sharpay likes Troy anyway, and I know I have a shot with neither of them. I sadly watch Troy bounce about, looking so perfect. I turn to leave and think about sitting on the couch watching more Gossip Girl and eating three more tubs of ice cream. I know I'm going to be alone another night.


Troy's P.O.V

I watch Ryan leave. Thank goodness. I couldn't get my head in the game with him staring at me with his mouth hanging open. That whole family are full of cray cray stalkers. As the game finishes, Chad bounces up to me. He isn't as popular with the girls. He's my best friend. He's the second best looking boy at the school, which is weird as he's not very attractive at all, his hair looks like a birds nest. But I like it that way - no competition. Plus, I know he's jealous of all the girls I pull and some of the boys too.


Chad's P.O.V.

I run up to Troy. We do our secret best friend handshake, because we're best friends, get jealous guys.

"Yo bro, what was up there ? Your head totally wasn't in the game !" I tell Troy

"I know bro, it's just I think I might be loosing my touch with the ladies. I only had three marriage proposals today. THREE !!! It's so hard being as good looking and amazingly talented at basketball as me !" Troy whines.

I listen, but I don't really care. There's only one girl at this school for me. Taylor McKessie. I like her attitude and her study ethic, she really inspires me to do well. We've never spoken, as she's a brainiac and I'm a jock, and I'm sure she thinks I'm stupid, and hates my hair. Only the stupid bit is true. My hair is amazing. It deserved its own page in the year book.

"C'mon bro, let's go to the lockers."

Troy says, his whining finished. He hands me his bag and towels and stuff, and we head to the lockers. I drop his stuff off at his private locker room, with attached pool and spa, and head to the public one. He gets special treatment because he's the coaches son, and the whole world worships him due to his hair and eyes.

I'm so lucky to have a friend like him.

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