It's time.

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Good news guys! I've been listening to the High School Musical Soundtrack and I just feel inspired! So let's do this!

Gabriella's POV
I jump into the van, my heart racing. Can we get away with this?
Martha drives us up the Albuquerque high way, as the sun sets on another beautiful Disney movie-esque day. It's the perfect day for a kidnap.
Taylor still seems vacant. I edge over beside her.
"What's up TayTay? Aside from the obvious. You're a main character who has a relatively minor part, and you're really only here so we look to bring diversity so we look like we accept all races. You're best friends with me, I'm smart, beautiful and a better singer, which is the whole point of the movie. You don't even get a solo the whole movie. You're paired up with the only other black in this movie. No one really cares about you. The guy you like will never notice you, and his dick's penetrated more holes than a master key. And of course, we have the issue of everyone thinking you're a sad little geek, and you have no friends." I finish with a smile. "But you're my best friend. So anything else?"
Taylor stares out the window sadly.
"Nope." She mournfully says, pained. God. What a drama queen. She's such a crappy minor character here to represent all ethnic minority's.
"We're here!" Martha screams, breaking the awkward silence that now fills the van.
Martha parks the van in the middle of Sharpay's vast estate. Behind them, Kelsey draws up in her crappy little sky blue ford fiesta, the type of car your typical girl-next-door would have.
"I'm going to head lads, I need to see Ryan. We're going to have banter then he's taking me for a cheeky wee Nandos. He's an absolute ledge! Let's dash. Gotta stay Pacey!" She smiles.
We all stare at her like she's got 29 legs.
"Sorry guys. Just trying something new. Let's get back to the party and finish this plan!" She yells.
We smile and hop in the car. This is perfect.

Ryan's POV
"Kuh-Elle-seeee" I scream above the crowd. "Where are you my little Sugarpie?"
I stumble through the crowd of drunken adolescents. The smell of cheap booze, fruity perfume and cologne that makes them smell like fifty year old bus drivers mingles with that of their teenage perspiration. Peasants.
The reek of sexual desire and tension makes me want to throw up. Everywhere I look, people are sticking their thingies into the holes. And by that I mean they're sticking their tongues into the mouths. Either that or they're chugging some type of alcoholic beverage. The girls are slutty and the boys are lads.
"Have you seen Kelsey?" I ask a sober looking blonde girl, I recognise to be called Chastity.
"Ryan m8, she left an hour ago in Sharpay's van. Didn't she tell you?" She informs me.
"Not my snookums!" I yell. I rush off to the bathroom and bolt myself in their for the night. She doesn't love me. She doesn't want me. My life is over. She was my world. I loved her. I wonder if she feels bad. If she's remembering all the times I nibbled her ear, or stroked her hair. What about the time I rubbed her belly and we went on a romantic walk together?!?! Does it all mean nothing now? I sob, the feels racking my frail body.
"Ryan?" I hear a gentle familiar voice say from outside the door. "Ryan let me in!"
"KELSEY!" I scream, my whole body filling with insatiable joy. I rush to the door, throwing it wide open and enveloping her tiny body in my arms. "Oh my little cream puff. Where oh where did you go? I was worried sick!"
"Sorry baby. Martha drank too much and got sick. I had to help her." Kelsey looks down sheepishly.
"You're here now my dear. And that's all that matters." I smile, tilting her chin back slightly.
Our eyes meet in the darkened hallway full of passed out teens.
I push my head forward and go into the kiss. My first kiss.
And it was wet. So wet. Her lips sloppily caressed mine. I felt her saliva on my chin and in my mouth. It's a bit like running into glass and having your lips smushed together.
"Hey hey hey, what's the big idea? Can you darn kids stop making out in my house? I don't want you spreading your new fangled STD's all over my new couches!!!!"
We pull apart, quickly and guilty.
"Sorry Coach Bolton." We chirp, Kelsey looks down at the ground, hiding her face with her fugly brown hat. God she's attractive.
"Ryan Evans! And Kelsey whatever your name is, no one cares anyway my love! I expected better of both of you! Now, I'm finding Troy to shut this crazy, sexually charged party down. Both of you scram!" He yells, shooing us off.

As soon as he leaves, I look down at the little brunette beside me.
"C'mon. Let's go." She giggles. "I know places we could be right now." She grabs my hand and leads me off to my car. "Take me home to yours. And maybe I'll stay there for tonight." She whispers. My heart races, as I feel it beating hard in my chest. Could tonight be the night I experience the mythical orgasm? What is it? Maybe I'm about to find out.

Sharpay's POV

I scan the crowds, searching. Desperately searching for my one true love.
Troy Bolton.
In the end, he's no where to be seen.
I collapse against the wall, watching the sluts and jocks drink their cheap beer and make a fool of themselves. Peasants. I only drink champagne on my country estate.
I cry out in desperate.
The cheap pop music blasts around the room.
Maybe I'm aiming too high, wanting it all. The fame and the fortune and Troy.

On the other hand, perhaps not.

I decide to drive home in my sober estate, and hop into my pink Cadillac with pink fluffy seats, and wheel, and gear stick. Basically, my car is a pink fluffy vagina.
I drive home through the motorway and draw up at my estate. This night has not been fabulous at all!
I see my van, parked in the middle of the grass. That's strange. I see Ryan's car and know he's home. I wonder what's going on. I decide to check my fabulous pink van and see, running up to my room and changing into my monocle and detective outfit, which I look intelligent and hot in.
Maybe my fortune is about to change.

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