The Drama Class from Hell

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Gabriella's P.O.V

I'm so nervous about starting here today. I didn't know this place even existed until three days ago. My mother is a recovering alcoholic and we moved to be closer to a treatment centre. It's very hard at times. My life is so empty. ?

I walk into the school, the unfamiliar faces are all a blur to me. I sit down in my first class after break. A girl comes bustling up to me.

"Hello. I'm Taylor McKessie. You must be new here." She tells me in an informative fashion.

She then proceeds to list all the clubs that are available. I agree to go to a few but my attention is drawn to an attractive boy who has just entered. It's Troy ! We sang together at a New Year's party, it was the single most amazing experience of my life. I never thought I'd see him again, but here he is, in my fourth period drama class.

An old lady walks in. She's got a sort of sass you wouldn't expect for an older lady, but she's got it.


Troy's P.O.V

I walk into class and flop down onto my seat. It's drama, a subject I took because.... I don't really know why I took it. Probably for the banter. I glance around, some of my fangirls are in this class, and they faint when I walk in. There are some other guys who don't really match up to my standards of hair and eye quality. Then someone new catches my eye. GABI ? GABRIEL ? Gabriella. I think I sang karaoke with her once, a long time ago. She was lucky I gave her the experience, my fans are everything to me. It was probably one of the best moments of her life. I found out that night I was an amazing singer, but I've been in the non-gay closet about this because I don't want anyone to know. You wouldn't think this as I burst into song and dance every five minutes, but it's true.

Just then Ms Darbus bursts in and starts talking about her spring musiCAL. I hate her so very much. I hate everyone at this school but when I leave I hope no one is as good looking as me in real life, because that would be a tragedy.


Gabriella's P.O.V

"Alright class, today I'm going to be talking about our spring musiCAL," she says, in a loud, fake British accent. Wtf is up with the annunciation in 'musiCAL' ?

"How many sign ups do we have, Kelsi ?" She asks a small bespectacled girl at the front of the class.

"Um... Only two so far, Ms Darbus." Kelsi replies in a quiet, shy voice.

"And who might they be ?"Asks Ms Darbus. Her accent is beginning to annoy me already.

"Ryan and Sharpay Evans." Kelsi announces.

The whole class stare at her. Just then, a pretty blonde girl dressed in pink from head to toe shimmies into the class. Behind her, a boy follows, flamboyantly dressed in a pink and lime striped jumper and lime chinos. He appears to be carrying her things along with his own.

"Sorry I'm late." Says the girl nonchalantly,flicking her hair and strutting her stuff.

Everyone around me sighs. She walks up to me.

"Hi. Gabriella, I'm Sharpay Evans. Just so you know this is my school, my drama department, and my Troy. Okay, got that ? Good. So the spring musical..."

Sharpay stands up at the front and commands the entire lesson. I stare out the window at the clouds.

I hate it here already.

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