Sass in da Class

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Kelsi's P.O.V

I sit after class, waiting for the question that's due any moment.

''Kelsi !!!'' I hear her cry, like a clowder of cats being hit by shoes simultaneously.

''Kelsi, have you written my solo for the spring musical yet ?" Sharpay asks me, her voice piercing my very soul. "And what about mine and Ryan's duet, we gotta shine on that stage !!"

The truth is, I have written a solo - and duets - many of them. It's just that I want to save them for a nicer person than Sharpay. I glance around the class and see the new girl, Gabriella I think, taking her time to put her books in her bag and watching the scenario unfold.

"Kelsi !" Sharpay yaps, reminding me of an over zealous Chihuahua.

''I'm sorry Sharpay, I've not finished anything yet." I say, hearing the shame in my own voice.

"For God's sake Kelsi, can't you finish anything ?! You better get it done soon or I will make your life a living hell !" She screams. It's funny though because thanks to her, my life already is a living hell.

I scurry to my feet, clutching my books and binders. I hope I can escape. I try to walk past her but she pushes me and knocks my books to the floor.

I turn to see Gabriella walking over to us.

"Nu uh GURLFRIEND, you did not just do that. Get outta here! Me and my homegurl Kelsi gone make yo life bad. And that'll start by your solo in da musical being cut. Go on, scram !!! Get yo ratchet ass outta here !" Gabriella yells, her voice becoming full on sass.

I stare at her in disbelief. No one ever stands up to Sharpay Evans !


Sharpays P.O.V

How. Dare. She.

This is my school and on her first day SHE sasses ME ! In MY drama class ! Beside my throne !!!!! I flick my hair and sigh dramatically before storming out of the classroom. No one ever stands up to Sharpay.

"Gurl you got sassed," says Ryan, leaning against the wall with his arms folded with a sickening grin across his face.

I slap him. Again. Sometimes I hate my brother. The rest of the time I just dislike him.

I stare down at my school, my minions, from my balcony. It all seems so much more different now. First a new girl sasses me, what's next ? It could all go downhill from here. The only way to remain queen is to get a king, and that's what I'm going to do. My eagle eyes zero in on my target: Troy.


Gabriellas P.O.V

"H-how did you do that ?" Kelsi stammers, her eyes still wide in shock.

"I grew up in a pretty tough neighbourhood. I'm not going to let anyone be like that to you." I tell her.

"You've never even spoken to me before." Kelsi says. "Why are you being nice to me ?"

"Because Kelsi some people don't need a reason to be nice." I tell her. "So, what's the special for lunch ?"

I walk out of the class with my new friend. We go sit at a table with Taylor and another girl who I later learn is called Martha. We gossip and talk about boys - your typical teenage stuff. Eventually we come up with a plan.

I might actually be able to survive here.

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