Chapter 17

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My bag dropped from my shoulder as my ears started to ring. They were back. One word from Beckett to them about my whereabouts, and I was a dead woman.

As if sensing my anxiety, Beckett quickly reassured me that he wouldn't say anything.


Oh. I thought this would happen.

"You have to spend five minutes-that's all- five minutes with me and you have to answer the questions I ask. Deal?"

I sighed and looked at Ty, who nodded. I couldn't give us away. But I couldn't give myself away. Finally, I decided to go with the smart decision.


Beckett smiled and then gave me the letter, not before letting his smile suddenly drop. It couldn't be that bad, right?

Allison Parker. You have exactly seven days to return our son to us or we will call the police. You are none of our business anymore, you weren't the second you walked out the front door.

I don't know what crazy pacts you made with Tyler, but we want them all cut, as well as communication cut as well after you bring him home. You are insane, and quite frankly, you are worse than Catherine.

I cringed at that part.

If we have to, we will fight you in court for the truth. That Tyler is ours, and he will always love us more, we are his parents. It wouldn't surprise me if you kidnapped him. You have the bitchy attitude to do it. I prefer Catherine over you.

Well really, anyone would. I mean, who would want you?

Now you listen here you little brat.
You are a no good, terrible little bitch, who deserves to rot in hell, sitting at Satan's feet, doing his work.

If you were gun on the bottom of my shoe, I wouldn't scrape it off. I'd throw the shoes out and start again.

And I'd do the same with your life.

Bring him back, and then you might still have a second chance at life, I mean, after all, you are dead. At least to us you are.

See you by next week, little child.

-Suzanne Kay Parker.

Ok, I take it back. It could really be that bad.

Suddenly from behind me, I heard Tyler exclaim:

"No way in hell am I going back to that place. I will fight in that god damn court to stay here. I will not be lowered to their stupidity! I refuse to go back there!"

I sighed in relief. Thank god he wouldn't abandon me.

I looked up to see Beckett looking at me sympathetically. He knew it wouldn't be good.

"Are... are you-" He reached to put his hand on my shoulder, but I flinched and pulled away. A look of confusion and sadness crossed his face , before he quickly covered it.

"Sorry.. I.. sorry..." He mumbled before pushing past me and speeding down the hall.

Umm... question time can wait I'm guessing?

I suddenly heard shouting from inside the apartment, so I turned and pushed the door open, revealing Tyler, telling into the phone and looking furious.

"She did not t me! I was just sick of your shit!"

"...You ask who's going to be there for you now? Well let me see, there's Al- oh wait, she left, never mind- there's me- oh shit, I left too- there's Cath- oh wait no she left you too. Well there's always your husband, I mean, that is if he hasn't already left you. I mean, he does know you cheated on him right?"

I gasped. When was this?

"No Suzanne, I didn't tell him, I left that up to you to ruin your marriage, well, you already did when you fucked Allison's math teacher."

I felt faint.

Mr Marks? Oh my god. The memory came back to me and I had to sit down while the terrible incident ran through my mind.

"Allison, can I talk to you for a moment?" Mr Marks asked me after class.

"Yeah sure."

I heard the familiar click of the door as Mr Marks shut the door behind him and I sat down in one of the chairs in the front row near his desk.

Mr Marks didn't sit down, but came around the other side of his desk and leaned against it.

"Do you have any idea why I asked you to stay back?"

I gulped and shook my head.

Mr Marks stood up and walked towards my desk and bent so he was looking me in the eye. His eyes roamed around my face and slowly trailed down the rest of my body that wasn't hidden by the desk. Okay...

He suddenly smirked and stood up and leaned his arms against the desk I was sitting at and smirked at me. I unconsciously moved back at that's when his smirk grew and his eyes once again trailed down to my chest, and that's when I finally caught on.

The sick bastard.

I pretended that I didn't suspect anything and decided to play it cool until he stood up. And hallelujah, he stood up straight and crossed his arms over his chest and just stared at me, no smile, no smirk, nothing.

I took that as my chance and pushed the desk as hard as I could towards him, and with the force I used, the desk turned a bit like I tried to make it, and the corner hit right into his family jewels. He cried out in pain and doubled over, clutching his area, and I took that as my time to run.

I picked up my bag and sprinted to the door, yanking it open and racing down the hall like Usain Bolt.

"Al? Ally. ALLISON!" I snapped out of my trance to find Ty standing in front of me, shaking my shoulders.

"Huh", what?" I said as I shook my head and looked up at him.

"What's wrong?"



"Well.. ugh. Mr Marks isn't exactly my most favourite teacher in the world, and that just makes things worse, I'm okay, really,"I said with a smile on my face.

"I don't believe you, but i'll let it slide. But when you need someone to listen, I'm here."

"Thanks Ty, I love you."

"Love you too."


Hey everyone!!!

OMG I REACHED 1.08K ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Thank you so much for reading and staying with me through the chapters as I've - very slowly- updated. I love reading your comments so keep commenting and hopefully stay with me until the end! 

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