Chapter 1 - First Snow

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Rory left The Plaza Hotel and was making her way to hail a cab.  She stopped suddenly, as she could feel something in the air.  Turning her head up she saw a few, small snowflakes drifting down and reached her hand up to catch one.  The first snow of the season in the city.

Out of the darkness, a voice with an Australian accent that she instantly recognized said, "do I know you, you lovely creature?"  Grabbing her outstretched hand, he whirled her around and let out a very loud whistle.

Rory brought her head down, smiling and said, "Finn, what are you doing here?"  She reached to give him a big hug and saw Colin and Robert.  "Well, I'll be damned."

Colin and Robert both came over and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek.  Her heart and stomach were glad there was no Logan in sight.

"You boys aren't turning in this early, are you?"

Finn, ever the partier, said, "don't be daft, we're just going in for a drink.  Come join us, love."

"No, I'm just on my way home.  It's been a long day with the annual New Yorker Christmas party."

"Oh, come on Rory," they almost simultaneously stated.  "Love," Finn said, "we should really catch up."

She hesitated just a moment and then said, "what the hell."  "Okay."

She thought she could handle this as long as the topic of Logan wasn't discussed.

As they sat in a corner of the bar with their drinks, Finn said, "so, what's it been--6 or 7 years?"

"Yeah, it's been about seven and half years."

So, you're at The New Yorker full time?," Robert asked.

"Yes, I've been on staff there about 5 years now.  What are you boys doing in the city?"

Finn told her that the old gang and a lot of the LDB members met up in New York every year during the Christmas season.

She discovered that Colin and Robert were both lawyers in their families high profile firms.  Finn was excelling in his family hotel business.  They were in relationships with the three girls she use to call her friends.  Time had been good to this group of fun-loving guys she use to enjoy being around so much.  Logan and she seemed to be the only ones who hadn't been able to make it all the way.

They had been enjoying their drinks and lively discussion of what had been happening the last few years when Rory said, "it's been so much fun boys, but I must definitely be going."  As she stood up to retrieve her coat, she told the guys to be sure and give her regards to Logan.

A voice from behind her said, "why don't you tell him yourself, since he's here in the flesh?"

Rory spun around sharply and was speechless.

Logan thought he must be dying because his heart was beating so fast he could hardly catch his breath.

Standing there in front of him was Rory Gilmore.  The girl that had crushed his heart in a million pieces.  The girl he had misjudged in how much she loved him.  She looked so incredibly gorgeous and sexy in the dress.  My God, he thought he'd never seen her look so fabulous.  The dress was a clinging satin halter dress in a sparkly, pale blue that matched her eyes, with a draping neckline which showed just a hint of cleavage.  Logan, trying not to show his anxiety, walked up to her and asked, "huh, Rory Gilmore without a witty quip?"

She came out of her trance and put a huge smile on her face, hoping he couldn't tell she was shaking.  She just hoped she wouldn't throw up.  Logan looked like a million dollars standing there in a body hugging black suit and a cashmere black topcoat with a white scarf trailing down from around his neck.

"Logan, you're looking well.  I was just leaving.  Glad I got to say 'hello'."  Not meeting his eyes, I hurriedly tried to put on my coat.

Logan reached in to help and placed his hand on the small of my back.  "Can I offer you my driver?"

"No, no.  I'll just get a taxi."  I turned to say my good-byes to the others and tried to rush off.

"I'll just walk out with you to be sure you're safe."

"Oh, thanks, Logan but that's not necessary."

"No problem at all, Rory."

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