chapter three: off to venice

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Before you noticed your suit, you had begun collecting your belongings in your suitcase. In an attempt to keep you two safe, Tony constructed you a suit after he made Pepper one. He also intended to create one for Morgan when she grew older, but sadly, he passed away before he was able to witness her growing up. But even though you knew your father only wanted his family to be safe, you made a vow to him that you would construct a suit for Morgan. You made the decision to leave behind the suit, believing that nothing bad would occur.

You and Pepper made the decision to buy an apartment in New York so that you could travel to school more easily. When you have free time or vacation, you are welcome to visit the cabin once in a while.

After packing, you went to the living room and sat beside Harley, who's staying with you for a while since he's like an older brother to you. "How are you holding up?"

You shrugged. "Fine, I guess."

Harley looked at your room's door. "Have you fully packed your things?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I did."

Harley nodded in relief and then looked at you. He held your hand and sighed. "It's gonna take a long time to move on. It's hard, I know."

You sighed as well and leaned your head on Harley's shoulder. "It is hard. It's hard for all of us. No one can ever be like Dad. He's a great man, hero, friend, son, and father."

"Tony is the only father figure I ever had," Harley admitted. "After my dad left me, Tony came, and I felt like he was my father and a friend at the same time."

"Some move on, but not us," You added as you stared at the window.


Peter grinned broadly as he opened his window and took in the scenery as the plane got ready for takeoff. Excitingly, Ned, who was seated next to Peter, tapped his closest friend on the shoulder many times.

Together with your two teachers, you and your classmates are traveling to Europe. One of your biggest goals is to travel to Europe, particularly to London. It is unfortunately not included in the itinerary, but Paris is, so it was still an achievement.

Just then, from across the aircraft, comes the sound of a well-known voice. It was Flash Thompson. In his hand was a drink that contained alcohol.

"Yo, Parker!" Flash called out, causing Peter to turn around and look at him. "This is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over the poor neighborhoods instead of driving through them."

You walked by Peter and Ned while Brad Davis was with you, just behind you.

"Ma'am?" You called out.

The flight attendant, who's beside Flash, turned to you. "Mm-hm?"

You pointed at Flash. "He's 16, not 21."

Flash gawked at you. "Liar!"

You gave him a blank stare. "Why don't you give her your ID to prove it?" You feigned a sweet smile. You looked back at the flight attendant. "He's my classmate."

Flash gave you a furious look, not realizing that the flight attendant was trying to take his drink away from him. Flash looked down at the glass as the flight attendant took hold of it. "I'll take that."

People started to laugh as Flash's eyes went wide and panicked. He turned to the flight attendant and glanced at you. "She's lying! I don't even know this girl!"

Peter and Ned were staring at you in amazement as you moved to face them. You gave them a wink and turned to walk away. Brad Davis gave you a dreamy smile, then turned to face Peter and Ned. "Classic (Y/n), huh?" Brad praised before leaving.

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