chapter fifteen: interrogation

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"Spider-Menace!" You heard Jameson's voice through your television. "Governments around the world launched investigations into the murderer known as Spider-Man, a.k.a, Peter Parker, a.k.a, the web-headed war criminal, who for years has been terrorizing the decent citizens of New York."

You rolled your eyes as you started looking for your mother's number on your phone while listening to Jameson. "Well now, this city and the world see him for what he truly is." Your mouth dropped open when you saw your and your friends' faces on the screen. "Group of Terror?!" You scoffed.

You watched a Time cover magazine with a drawing of Spider-Man as a crying baby that says, "Iron Man Jr? How Did A Reckless Teenager Become Tony Stark's New Apparent?"

You clenched your fists. "They don't know shit." Another cover magazine was presented with Peter's half-face shown, with the other side being Spider-Man. While waiting for your mother to pick up your call, you switched the channel. "New details from last week's devastating attack in London have emerged. For more, we go now to Joint Intelligence Headquarters..."

You changed the channel again. "...who released just a short while ago confirms, that the deadly drones used in the London attack, were designed by Stark Industries." You froze on your spot. "Shit."

Soon, your mother finally picked up your call. "I'm so sorry, honey. I was just on a call a minute ago. How are you?"

You sighed in relief. "I'm good, thank you, mom. Thanks for giving me the keys... well, delivering them, but you get the point."

"No problem, sweetheart. Are you sure you're alright in there? You really don't want to come home? I mean, Morgan and I could come over there."

You were now staying at the new apartment that you were supposed to receive on your 18th birthday. However, with everything that's happening and knowing you need to be with Peter, you tell your mother you need to stay at the new apartment your father bought for you before he died.

Pepper suggested you stay at the old apartment you were already living in, but you indicated that your friends or Peter could use it when needed.

You moved your couch a little bit and looked outside the window. You sighed heavily as you pressed your fingers on your temple. "Sooner or later, police and federal agents will come barging in here, mom. And they'll think Stark Industries has something to do with—" You took a sharp, deep breath. "It's just been a few hours since Peter's identity was revealed in the world, and everywhere is so chaotic."

"I know, (Y/n)." Pepper sighed. "I've been receiving calls and e-mails about everything that links to Spider-Man or Mysterio."

"That's why I can't come back home, mom." You explained. "I don't want Morgan to see me being taken by police just because they suspect that my friends and I were accomplices to Peter Parker for the murder of Mysterio."

"I'll do everything I can, angel, I promise."

You nodded as you looked down on the floor. "How are you and Morgan?"

"Good. I'm glad reporters and paparazzi aren't crowding the area. Your father picked the right spot for us."


"Oh, she's in her room. She misses you terribly."

You cracked a smile. "Yeah, me too. Tell Morgan I love her, will you?"

"Of course, sweetie."

"I'm going to call Harley to check on him. Love you, mom."

"Love you too."

You ended the call and started calling Harley Keener. You waited patiently as you stepped outside of your small balcony to feel the fresh air. Soon, he picked up the call. "Hey, Harls."

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