chapter twenty: electro and sandman

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"Keep an eye out on those trees. We don't really know where this guy is." You advised Peter as you watched him swinging around the woods to look for the disturbances that were found in the area. "I don't know why you didn't let me come with you, Peter."

"That's because you just had a breakdown, and I don't want you getting hurt," Peter explained as he continued swinging. Peter had taped his phone around his chest for you, Michelle, and Ned to see. You pointed out that he could've connected his suit through your phone or laptop, but it was already too late.

Michelle sat beside you while Ned was on your other side, just recently looking at the refrigerator for food. He instead found small creatures and a floating eyeball. Michelle groaned in disgust. "I really don't know how you do this without throwing up," she commented on Peter's swinging.

Peter landed on the ground and walked around sneakily to avoid any attention. Suddenly, he saw movements on his right side. "Did you guys see that?"

"Um, no." You frowned.

"It's, um—it's really dark," Ned added.

Peter immediately turned around when he sensed some movements. Peter breathed heavily as he continued walking. "Okay, okay, okay," he whispered to himself. He stopped when he felt something behind and above him. "What's happening?" Ned asked.

"Peter, what is it?" You asked worriedly.

"Are you getting the tingle thing?" Michelle asked. "Is the tingle thing happening? Is your tingle tingling?"

Peter started activating his golden cuff and immediately turned around to see a man by the power lines, absorbing electricity. "Are you guys seeing this?"

"Yeah," you replied.

"Osborn?" Ned asked.

Peter shook his head. "No. He was green. This guy's blue."

You looked closer to the screen. "He's looking more yellow to me now."

Peter cleared his throat. "Uh, you wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you?"

"What's he doing?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know. It looks like he's charging," Peter detected.

You observed the man on the power lines. "It looks like he's absorbing the electricity." You shook your head. "I don't like this, Peter. Just web him."

Peter obliged and shot the spell-fused web at the creature. However, it fired right through him and instead hit a tree from afar. A tree was transported to the Sanctum, causing you to jump, Michelle to stand, and Ned to fall off his chair from surprise. "Woah!"

The man shot electricity towards Peter, but he immediately dodged. Peter began swinging away from safety as the man continued to shoot electricity at him. "Go left, left!" Ned instructed. "Go left!"

"Wait! Right, right!" Michelle shrieked.

You shook your head. "Guys, you're confusing him!"

"Yeah, and this is not helping!" Peter added until he was struck by electricity, ending the call. Your eyes widened. No, no, no. What happened? Peter? Peter?"

Peter groaned as he landed on the ground until he saw the man shooting an electric beam towards him. Peter stood up, and a sand barrier with a face protected him. "Woah." Peter gasped.

"Peter, it's me, Flint Marko." The sandman spoke. "You remember?"

Peter began to stutter. "Uhh, I'm Peter, but I'm not your Peter."

"What do you mean you're not my Peter? What the hell is going on?"

"I'll explain everything, but first, can you help me stop this guy?"

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