Chapter 16

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"No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future."


Dear Peter,

Hey, it's me again, but you already know that. I don't even know what to write in this letter. I'm just sitting at home alone as usual and I thought why not write another letter about you screwing your whore.

I could talk about how my heart is broken but I'm tired Peter. I'm tired of waiting for you to come back to me. I tried to to wait for you to realize what you're doing is wrong but you haven't...and I don't think you ever will.

But now I know. I know it wasn't my fault. None of this has been my fault. I did everything right, I took care of you when you needed me and loved you unconditionally but it wasn't enough and that's okay.

You want more that I can provide and I don't blame you Peter. Maybe we aren't supposed to end up together. Maybe you were meant to be with Chiara because she obviously can give you everything you want and need.

I'm not going to say that I'm not hurt or that I support your relationship with her, because I don't. I'm not okay my heart is shattered into a million little pieces and I don't think it will ever be the same again.

You do whatever you want Peter but by the time you realize your mistake I won't be here, it'll be too late. I love you and I always will but I'm done trying. I can't compete with her.

When I found out about your affair I was furious, it literally felt like my skin was on fire. I realized it was because I still cared. I still believed that you loved me but made a stupid mistake. But now, I just feel drained.

I've wasted all my energy on being sad and angry but it doesn't matter anymore.

I'm just done.

With much love,

It's funny how one idiotic mistake can ruin someone's life. A decision that you made in less than a minute can affect you for the rest of your life.

Peter didn't want to be known as the guy whose wife killed her self because her husband was having an affair. If anything he wants to be known as the guy who loved his wife unconditionally, even though he didn't show it all the time. He knew he made mistakes, he knew he wasn't perfect but it's too late now. Too late to fix his mistakes.


I wish I could take it all back. My affair, the lies, the deceit. I just want the pain to go away. The pain of knowing that it's all my fault, of knowing I can never make it up to Aurora, no matter what I do.

It's hard to believe that she still loved me. After everything I put her through she still stuck by me until she couldn't any more and that shows a lot about the kind of person she was.

I didn't deserve her, she was an angel in my story...but I was the devil in hers.


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