Chapter 5

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"Always strive to give your spouse the very best of yourself; not what's left over after you haven given your best to everyone else."


Dear Peter,

So we've been married for 5 years today and your on another one of your 'business trips' celebrating our years together with another woman like you do every year. What have I don't to deserve this is the question I keep asking myself. I rarely even see you anymore, your either at the office or another one of your 'business trips'. I'm more disappointed in myself though. You made me believe that it was something I did to deserve this, but its not me its you.

I've done everything you asked me to. When you told me I shouldn't work as much I cut back on my hours. When you told me that you liked my hair shorter I cut it the very next day. And when you told me you wanted to hold of starting a family I waited and I'm still waiting. You know how much having a baby meant to me but I didn't complain. I've thought about it a lot and I finally figured out where everything went wrong.

Two years after we got married when the company took the financial hit. That was the last year we celebrated our anniversary and I realized that's when you started the affair. For three fucking years you've been sleeping with Chiara. At this point its not just sex anymore, its a relationship. You honestly cant tell me after three years of slipping it to her you don't have feelings towards her.

We haven't had sex in a year and a half, not since I found out. But even while you were sleeping with her you were sleeping with me too and that makes me feel disgusting. I have not and never will sleep with someone else while were married and trust me, I've had plenty of chances.

I respect our marriage but my respect for you isn't as strong as it was before and why should it? Your a man whore who cant keep it in his pants no need to sugar coat it. Even though you've only cheated on me with one woman you did it several times so in my book that makes you a man whore. But the thing is I still love you. Why? I have no fucking clue.

You were my first love, my first kiss, my first everything. Of course their were the little crushes every once in a while but you were the only one I was ever serious about.

Do you know what it feels like when your heart shatter Peter? No you don't because I've never done anything to hurt you. I've been the perfect wife to you but you still went looking elsewhere. I never strayed away from our marriage I had everything I wanted, key word had. Now all I want is a husband. We may be married but its just on paper, physically I don't have a husband emotionally only in the eyes of the law. You leave before I wake up and come home when I'm already sleep. I don't even remember the last time we had dinner together let alone talked to one another face to face.

Should I just stop trying? Is it too late for us to save whatever's left of our marriage? Just tell me what to do.

With much love,


He was so sick to his stomach thinking about his betrayal that he ran to the bathroom and thrown up all of the scotch in his system. He couldn't believe that he called this woman his wife. A wife shouldn't been treated the way he treated her and that's the last thing he thought before everything went black.


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