제 12 장: In line

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Its been another month passed since the last time Hani and Heechul had seen each other, because of their busy schedules the two cant fix a date for them to hang out, sometimes they update one another through their sns or they exchange how are you's in text.They both dont know when they will get to work again together, or coincidentally Hani will be a guest in certain shows that Heechul could also be there, chances are so low,they are silently praying that their schedules wouldn't be a conflict anymore.Well they've been heard, just with one article posted online, Heechul made a decision to see Hani in person whatever it takes.

"Hyung hyung!!! Pali!! Check this article online!" Ryewook rush out from his bedroom as he head in the living room where Heechul was peacefully taking his nap.

"What is it again? Iam not in the mood to listen with another news about that new video game release, I cant buy it in person, stupid schedule" Heechul complained as he covered his face with pillow.

"Well about that the new video game will be release next month, base on the article Ive red they still have to fix some bugs" Ryewook said.

"Thats good" Heechul simply replied.

"But thats not what Iam talking about! Come check this out!" Ryewook said in panic as he was trying to show Heechul the article shown on his Ipad but Heechul was still fighting back to sleep.

"Just say it! I will just listen" Heechul whined.

"Ey it will not be thrilling anymore if I spill it to you, you have to see this with your own eyes!" Ryewook insisted.

"Ayst jinja, arraso what is it?" Heechul forcely sat down as he rub his eyes trying to look at the ipad that Ryewook's was holding.

"Ill hold the ipad incase acidentally you—" Ryewook suppose to continue but he was startled from the middle because of Heechul's reaction.

"WHAT?!" Heechul was now widely awake.

"Hani of Exid and Junsu of JYJ reportedly had broken up, both of the entertainments confirmed, it was due to their busy schedules"

"Yah! Hyung! Where are you going? We still have schedule!" Ryewook shouted as Heechul was rushingly heads out from the front door leaving the worried Ryewook on how he will explain to their manager that his out just to be with his love of his life.

Wait, before anything else, lets go back to what really actually happens the last time Hani and Heechul seen each other.


"Oppa" Hani said, with a worried look into her eyes.

"Oh?" Heechul simply replied, though too many questions into his head right now but still he manage to stay calm, he will let Hani do the explanation he thought.

"Are you okay?" Hani asked.What does she mean about being okay? Having Hee Ni on his arms or the confusion on his head at the moment?

"Of course she's not that heavy" Heechul chuckled, hiding his real emotion.

After they've bumped each other from the lobby and found out that Hee Ni is with Heechul, Hani decided to call her members that she found her daughter and telling them to go head first straight at their dormitory because she will take Hee Ni first at her parents home.Hani and Hee Ni suppose to grab a cab but Heechul insisted to drive them home cause he brought his own car.They are now heading to the broad casting parking lot where Hee Ni was peacefully sleeping on Heechul's arms and Hani was following them from behind.

Once they reach where Heechul car's was park, Heechul handed Hee Ni carefully to her mother.

"Oppa are you sure its okay?" Hani said before Heechul could get in the driver's seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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