제 2 장: Little One

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Hours have past already but the girls havent recieve any call yet from the KBS management about a certain necklace.Ahn Hee Yeon is starting to worry.

"Iam pretty sure it fell along the lobby" Hani said worriedly while roaming arround the living room.

"If thats the case maybe someone sees it already" LE said while sitting comfortably at sofa in the living room of their apartment.

"We should receive some calls any minute now" Hyerin stated while she was cooking dinner with Solji.

"Well, I think its an idol who sees it" Solji said while chopping the cabbages.

"If its an idol, her or his mind is battling right now whether to go here or not, who wouldn't want to be the headline news tomorrow morning" Jung Hwa chuckled.

The front door bell rings.

"Ill get it" Hani went to the front door, she look at the monitor to know who is knocking, but the people she saw made her immediately open the front door.

"Mommy!!" A little girl excitedly hug Hani.

"Aigoo! My princess, I miss you I miss you" As Hani hug back the little girl tightly and spinning her arround in every I miss you she said.As the little girl giggled and gave Hani some kisses on her lips.

"I love you, I love you , I love you" Hani said as she kisses back the little girl in every I love you she said.The little girl giggled from Hani's action.

"Anneyeong unnie" a young lady said shes the one who brought the little girl to exid apartment.

"So Hee yah!" Hani exclaimed.

"Baby, you wanna see your aunties?" Hani smiled to her daughter.

"Ne,Eomma" the little girl excitedly said.No wonder where she get her cheerfulness.

"They are in the living room go distract them" Hani chuckled.As her daughter run to the living room.

"Yah why did you bring Hee Ni here, So Hee yah?" Hani whispered to her cousin.Well aside from her mom the one taking care of her daughter while she have work and far away from her daughter.So Hee her cousin also played as the little girl's mother throughout the years which is someone whom Hani is grateful for on how her cousin agree into this years ago the moment she brought Hee Ni into the world.

"Unnie, Mianhe, but auntie is not around the house I have no choice to bring her here no one will watch her, so I brought her at my work then thinking to pass by here" So Hee nervously smiled.

"You know its dangerous So Hee yah" Hani gave her a looked.

"Hehe just this time unnie, I also wanna see the rest of exid" So Hee chuckled.

"Alright, you guys sleep here for the night" Hani smiled.So Hee nod in reply.

"Omona! Hee Ni yah!" Jung Hwa said and stand up from the sofa.

"Oh aunt Jung Hwa!" Hee Ni run to Jung Hwa's arms.

"I miss my little Niece!" Jung Hwa said as she tickled Hee Ni"

"Hehe aunt Jung Hwa stop it tickles" Hee Ni giggled.

"Well well guess who's here, minnie Hani!" LE said and get Hee Ni from Jung Hwa's grip.

"Yo auntie Hyojin!" Hee Ni excitedly went on LE's arm.

"Yah, why there is always a Yo, Hee Ni yah?" LE chuckled.

"Mommy said youre a good rapper" Hee Ni giggled.

"Aigoo what did your mom teaches you huh?" LE laughed.

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