제6장: It could be you

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Months have past since the first airing of a style for you, its a really good start, the show earned a lot of compliments and a very outstanding rating among the variety shows that KBS have.Hani sometimes she get exhausted when she got home its not easy to become a kpop idol and host all together but its her job and passion at the sametime and also this is where she earned not for herself but also for her child.

"Unnie!! There is a delivery for you, woah are these flowers?" Hyerin was shock to the bunch of flowers she received from the delivery man, Hani was currently busy in piling up some of her shoes as she will film a style for you later.

"Woah woah uhm yeah thanks Hyerin hehe" Hani rush toward the front door leaving her shoes behind and grab immediately the flowers that Hyerin holding, more like a tulips kind of flowers.Hani nervously laugh and turned around at Hyerin.

"Not so fast unnie, its not your birthday yet so probably its not from a sponsor right?" Hyerin instantly grab Hani's shoulder keeping her from running away from her, the younger one chuckled as she trying to catch off guard her unnie.

"What? Its from the sponsor of course, when there is new cf they will give you flowers, you know that" Hani lied, shes so bad at lying.

"Really? Cause its says here from Kim Ju—" Hyerin teasingly raised a card from the bouquet of flowers.

"Yah! Keep your voice down" Hani immediately covered Hyerin's mouth by her other free hand.

"So your planning to keep this from us? That youre dating someone?" Hyerin asked, before Hani could answer Hyerin spoke up again.

"And its Kim Jun Su from JYJ?!" Hyerin accidentally said it in a loud voice or maybe not.

"Whats with Kim Jun Su?" Solji passes by holding some song books she suppose to give to LE on her bedroom.

"Hey I hear also his name, maan your voice Hyerin so loud I thought something happen with you in the living room" LE exclaimed as she went out from her bedroom and got the song books from Solji.

"Hey girls keep it down, Jung Hwa is still sleeping" Hani whispered trying to be calmed, she's nervous she thought its the day of telling her members about she currently dating.

"Too late, I heard it whats with Junsu? Spill it" Jung Hwa sat up from the sofa where she took a nap.

"Well, not that I will keep this from all of you, of course I will tell but in the right time maybe that right time is now, cause your heard all of it" Hani gave a look on Hyerin and Hyerin replied with her peace sign and nervously laugh.

"Yes we are dating for 1month" Hani said.

"Omo really?" Jung Hwa exclaimed.

"Omg tell me the details" Solji chuckled as she grab Hani and the two of them sat beside Jung Hwa, LE and Hyerin followed.

"Well, he introduce his self as a fan first as well as me, then we realise we have something mutual, then we decided why not gave it a shot" Hani smiled.

"Woah Hee Yeon nah its been a while you went out with someone, so proud of you" LE chuckled.

"Wah Junsu of JYJ? Its almost every girls ideal man" Solji chuckled.

"Iam happy for you unnie as long youre happy, I hope he will not hurt you or he will see what real Hyerin is" Hyerin seriously said.This earned laughed from the girls from Hyerin's funny expression.

"Oh you better introduce him to us soon Hee Yeon unnie" Jung Hwa chuckled.

"I hope this will last, of course I will" Hani smiled.

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