chapter seventeen

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flash forward a year later...

You jumped around your hotel suite in your white robe, dancing along to the boys newest song, Big Plans. The music boomed through your small speaker on the dresser and you spun around the room, singing along. You wore yourself out, turning the music down and falling onto the hotel bed. You stared up and the ceiling and smiled to yourself: you were getting married tomorrow. In 24 hours, you were going to be Y/N Seavey. That alone gave you enough energy to get back up and start dancing again, but the message tone coming from your phone stopped you. You saw Daniel's contact and quickly opened your phone to respond.

dani: are you sure i can't come just sleep with you?

You chuckled at his neediness and typed a reply,

y/n: daniel, stay in bed. we'll see each other tomorrow!

You and Daniel had gone traditional and stayed in separate rooms the night before your wedding. Just like Corbyn had on his wedding eve, Daniel whined and groaned when you mentioned it in the days before. He wasn't going to put up a fight about it, but he wanted to see you even though you'd be spending the rest of your lives seeing each other.

dani: but i miss you :(

y/n: i miss you too, but it'll all be worth it

dani: promise?

y/n: promise. get some sleep, i love you

dani: i'll be dreaming of you. i love you more

You locked your phone and made yourself comfortable under the covers. You had so much pent up excitement you weren't sure if you'd be able to fall asleep. Images of what tomorrow held flashed before your eyes as you drifted off to your last sleep as Y/N Besson.

You were awoken by the sound of your best friend, Christina, and the rest of your bridal party barging into your room. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, "How did you guys even get in?" you chuckled and Y/BF/N held up your key card. "I swiped it out of your pocket." she smirked and you jokingly rolled your eyes at her. You changed into shorts and a zip up sweater, sitting down in front of your cousin who generously offered to do your hair for your big day. After hair came makeup and then you were left staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror while your bridesmaids got dolled up. Christina knocked lightly on the door, "Y/N?" she said and you told her to come in. She opened the door and looked at you with a gasp, "You look beautiful." she said and you smiled, "Thank you. I'm so nervous, but so excited. I can't even describe how I feel right now." you breathed and she nodded. "I know. I remember that feeling. Daniel is going to be in such awe when he sees you. Ready to get your dress on?" she asked and you took a deep breath. "Let's do this thing." you said.

The dress fit you perfectly, complimenting your body shape and tying in perfectly with your hair and makeup. So many people were around you, fixing the little details and a knock at the suite door saved you from the hands and brushes flying around you. "I'll get it!" you said quickly and hiked up your dress, answering the door. You opened it to see Corbyn, who was in shock. He looked at you and smiled, his eyes starting to water. "I just came by to check in and wow, Y/N. You look so beautiful." he choked out and you chuckled, fanning your eyes. "Don't you dare make me cry my makeup off at my wedding, Corbyn." He leaned over and kissed your cheek lightly. "I'll tell Daniel you're doing good. I can't wait 'til he sees you." your brother beamed and you stuck out your bottom lip. "You're the sweetest brother ever." Corbyn smiled wide and headed back to the groom's suite, leaving you alone with the girls. The time rolled around for you to head to the venue and once you got there, everyone took their places. You linked your arm with your father and he was almost in tears himself. "You look so wonderful, Y/N. I'm so happy for you. My first baby girl." he whimpered with a smile and you leaned on his shoulder. "Aw, Dad. I'll always be your first baby girl. I promise." you gushed. He kissed your temple and the ceremony started, your maid of honor walking down the aisle paired with Daniel's brother, Christian. Couple by couple, the wedding party made their way down the aisle. Finally, your friends and family stood up and brought their attention to you and your father walking down the aisle. Your dress cascaded elegantly and trailed slightly behind you. You locked eyes with Daniel and you could see him bite his lip, trying not to freak out. He mouthed an 'oh, my god' and Jonah patted him on the shoulder. You smiled at him, swallowing the lump of emotion forming in your throat as well. Your father kissed you on the cheek and led your hand over to Daniel. You stood face to face with him and he sighed deeply. "You look, I can't even describe it. You look so amazing. Wow." he whispered and you both giggled quietly. The ceremony went beautifully and it soon became time for your vows. You had exchanged rings, and Daniel took both your hands in his.
"Y/N, my beautiful girl. You are the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I thank God every day for you and the impact you've made on my life. You are what brings out the best parts of me even on my darkest days. You complete me, and I intend to make sure you know how much I love you each and every day of our lives. I promise to care for you, to encourage you, to support you, to sing you songs and ensure that there is never a day where you'll question how much you mean to me. I promise to love you every day until I take my last breath and to show you that it's real. You are my world. I love you so much." Daniel said.
You drew in a shaky breath, mouthing 'I love you' to him before you said your own vows.
"Daniel James Seavey. You changed me. I wasn't someone who believed that I could be loved as much as you love me. I didn't believe I was worthy of it, or special enough for it until you came into my life. You make me feel loved, you make me whole. I have never loved someone as deeply and honestly as I love you. I promise to be your best friend, your number one fan, your sounding board. I promise to play with your hair while you're sick and remind you every day what a beautiful soul you are. You're my soulmate, and I can't wait for the rest of our lives together. I love you to the moon and back, my sweet boy." you said.
The room was filled with gentle tears and hushed emotion when Daniel finally sniffled and looked to the minister, "Can I please kiss her now?" he pleaded. Everyone laughed and you looked into his teary blue eyes. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Daniel, you may kiss your bride." "Finally." Daniel whispered and pulled you close, kissing you with all of the love and adoration he had in his body. You kissed back equally, holding onto him like he's disappear if you let go. You both pulled away to cheers and claps from your loved ones in the room.

You leaned your head on Daniel's chest, swaying back and forth to the soft music playing in the background. You chose "Hold You in My Arms" by Ray LaMontagne as the song for your first dance. Daniel sang along quietly, one hand on your waist and the other holding your hand. His chin rested on your head and you two danced, feeling like you were the only two in the world. You were floating, pure euphoria flowing through your veins. You looked up at Daniel and he grinned down at you, kissing your lips. "Hi, Mrs. Seavey." he whispered and you kissed him again. "I can't believe you're my husband." you beamed and he spun you around, catching and dipping you. "Better believe it baby, you're stuck with me forever." he said and you laughed as he brought you back up. "I am so incredibly in love with you, Daniel." you said seriously and he looked into your eyes, his own blue ones twinkling in the dim lights of the room. "And I am so incredibly in love with you, Y/N."

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